REPORT in 50 languages
including - French, German, Spanish,
Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese and Hungarian
- and many others. Be very
patient with the grammar of these automatic translations.
I have been unable to reply to your email. I am still
very much inundated with urgent work 24/7.
I first started to do afterlife investigations in
1990 closed minded skeptics and orthodox religion
more or less had control of the hearts and minds
of most people. NOT ANYMORE. I am happy to say,
that over the last 22 years there has been huge
progress in the scientific evidence
for the afterlife. And during this time, closed
minded skeptics are getting fewer and fewer.
Christian Churches are in great crisis these days
and are dramatically losing support. People are
voting with their feet and NOT ATTENDING weekly
religious services as they used to. Relevance is
a huge problem. In Australia some twenty six Church
of England churches will be closing down in the
next six months. The Catholic Church is in self-destruction
mode - with its huge problem of pedophilia and with
irrelevant, immaterial, inapplicable, antiquated
beliefs which no independently minded person is
accepting these days.
More people are seeking the services of a psychic
than are going to church on Sunday.
'AWAKENING': But what is evident
is that a new powerful 'awakening' is happening-
as people leave behind irrelevant beliefs and to
begin to focus on the ULTIMATE FRONTIER. 'Awakening'
as to what is really going on means more
support for the paranormal and the afterlife.
The ultimate frontier - understanding
the role of non-physical energy - in telepathy,
in all kinds of mediumship, psychic skills, materializations
and the survival of consciousness will be the new
era for mankind in the coming decades - and after Historical inevitability: read
why this powerful universal force has surfaced in
recent times:: Read
full article
This is about communicating with
those who crossed over by electronic
is highly evidential in that the contact is repeatable,
is occurring in laboratories throughout the world,
and is being subjected to close scientific scrutiny.
See chapter 5
for full details.It
is clear now that when the communication is perfected
- and afterlife intelligences are working to make
this happen - it is going to be the greatest discovery
in human history. This is because when the communication
is perfected,
we would be able to get faces of those crossed over
loved ones on a television screen. Further, loved
ones will be able to talk to us one-to-one answering
questions. That is going to be revolutionary - and
one day in the future - it IS going to happen. In
fact, it is happening now but it is happening in
secret laboratories. There has been some success,
but we have a long way to go to be able to converse
at will with inter-dimensional beings using ITC-TDC.
Read more about the astounding history of ITC on
Mark Macy's webpage.
A great Christmas gift... Dr
Mark Pitstick's documentary "Soul Proof"
shows nine categories of evidence that convincingly
prove that you, and everyone else, are an infinite
spiritual being. They interviewed many people from
all walks of life who shared their personal stories
about near-death experiences, after-death contacts,
miracles, religious revelations, and much more.
Also included are interviews with renowned experts
in these fields. Taken together, these reports clearly
indicate that consciousness precedes and survives
physical death. This collective evidence demonstrates
that—despite your outward physical appearance
— you truly are an indestructible being of
energy. Read
information: do our loved ones know when we are
about to cross
over? "Always, without any exception
there is a company of their own beloved to help
them across the border, to receive the soul which
has passed through the valley of shadows to begin
the new and wonderous epoch of its life. They always
know when they are associated by the love when the
final dissolution will take place, because it becomes
part of their willing task to aid the spirit to
free itself from the physical body. But the act
is not known to everybody who is now in the world
of spirit. No one who dies, to use your language,
ever dies alone."
S. Birch, highly credible
afterlife teacher.
If we send our thoughts to our crossed-over loved
ones, will they receive our messages? I lost my
young son sometime and wondering if he hears what
I am saying to him. The grief is killing me. Vera
T. Italy.
Victor: This information comes
directly from the afterlife by someone with high
credibility: a former Monsignor of the Catholic
Mons Hugh Benson, "... It is possible-and perfectly
natural- for people still living in the earth world
to direct their thoughts to some friend in the spirit
world, and they are always doing so. If those thoughts
are directed with the full intention that they should
be received by the person concerned, then received
they will be, beyond any doubt whatever ...In the
reverse direction, we can send our thoughts to you.
they will be bound to reach you, but unless you
are sufficiently sensitive psychically you will
not be aware of receiving them, or, receiving them,
you will not be aware whence they have come from
..." .
to Dr R. Craig Hogan (pictured)The
Center for Spiritual Understanding has been
disseminating information about (1) mediums available
for people to use to connect with loved ones in
the afterlife and (2) psychotherapists who will
perform a Guided Afterlife Connection to enable
the participant to connect. They have now developed
a procedure people can use to have their own afterlife
connections without a medium or psychotherapist.
A preliminary study
of 22 participants completed the two introduction
stages, one training stage, and at least one of
the four induction stages. Of these 22 participants,
19 (86%) had successful afterlife connections. The
conclusion is that a procedure delivered over the
Web that trains participants to allow natural, uninhibited
unfoldment of messages from the subconscious and
leads them into a hypnotic state that takes them
to a place of beauty, filled with love, where they
can connect with loved ones who have passed, can
result in successful afterlife connections for most
We can
highly recommend the guided meditations produced
by Max Highstein's Healing Waterfall organization.
In 1985 Max
wrote and produced "The Healing Waterfall",
which quickly became a best seller in distribution
through more than 1500 stores and today remains
one of the most popular guided imagery programs
ever recorded. The Healing Waterfall won’s
2012 Reader’s Choice Award for Best Meditation
Tool, more than 25 years after it was first released,
a testament to its timeless appeal. Max has a number
of excellent guided meditations and offers a free
guided imagery download.
1892, William
Stead, the brilliant journalist and psychic researcher,
believed he had discovered his ability to receive
communications in automatic writing. This was the
beginning of his psychic activities. Stead claimed
proof of survival in the form of a message received
through his hands, from Julia Ames. Ames was a journalist
acquaintance who had died shortly before. "Julia"
suggested he could obtain automatic scripts from
living friends as well. He noted, "I put my
hand at the disposal of friends at various degrees
of distance, and I found that, although the faculty
varied, some friends could write extremely well,
imitating at first the style of their own handwriting,
sometimes for the first few words until they had
more or less established their identity, and then
going on to write exactly as they would write an
ordinary letter. They would write what they were
thinking about—whether they wanted to see
me, or where they had been." Read
BEFORE LIFE " A much rarer
experience [rarer than NDE] is
the Pre-Birth Experience (PBE). People with Pre-Birth
Experiences recall existing in a spiritual plane
before their births here on earth. They often describe
a spiritual existence, that is very similar to the
existence reported in Near Death Experiences. Not
only do people with a Pre-Birth Experience describe
a spiritual pre-existence, but some also remember
choosing their parents and the type of challenges
they will face here on earth. Some people who have
experienced a Near Death Experience, recall seeing
souls assembled together, waiting to be born here
on earth." Read
- to control the hearts and minds of the unaware:
It is only when you inflict
fear and guilt on to the people that you can control
the mind, heart and soul of the people. This Bishop
says that the Church used this eternal damnation
fear for centuries because the Church hoped that
would inflict strong fear into the people. We see
how the Church manipulated a situation where it
said a priest has the power to send to you eternal
damnation or to heaven.
we going to have fun and friends in the afterlife.
Someone told me that the afterlife is all about
religious ceremonies - it would be boring for me
to have religion all the time. Laura
S, San Francisco.
Victor: Whoever
told you that the afterlife is all about religion
is ABSOLUTELY WRONG! The realm of the Light - where
decent, open-minded
people go to on crossing over - have nothing to
do with religion in their realm - or sphere. This
place is for relaxing, for FUN, for meeting up with
loved ones, for meeting friends. It is a place where
you do NOT have to work, to sleep, to eat, to wash,
to clean. This is a place where it never rains,
is always light with no winds or storms or hurricanes.
All is perfect for re-unions and for play and fun.
Of course you do have opportunities to for voluntary
service. Religion is about beliefs - and in the
afterlife it is not really necessary. Spiritual
service is what is really important. There
are those who are willing to do service, like helping
others cross-over, helping those in the lower regions
with anything that could be of assistance;
there is self-improvement classes - to increase
your knowledge, to learn music, art and anything
you like - also how to become more spiritual. It
is possible that you may not want to do any work
for a time - as apparently many people do.You make
the choice. But in the realm of the LIght, you do
what your heart desires to do providing it is done
with love or in a positive way. Religion is there
only for those who want it - but religion on its
own does NOT raise your vibrations (level of spirituality)
- only selfless service - spirituality - does.
Victor, tell me, are those people who did not have
the chance to get an education at a disadvantage
in the afterlife?Ned, Sydney.
Not at all! Education has nothing
to do with being more spiritual. There are those
who have no education at all who spiritually far
superior to those with doctorates. What work, what
education you have on planet earth is totally irrelevant
to the level of spirituality. As a matter of fact,
there are some very intelligent, very highly qualified
scientists, professors who show they are not spiritually
advanced at all - and do not accept the afterlife.
On crossing over, you could very well find those
who had low level jobs go to much higher places
than those who had all the earthly learning, status
and power. Attaining spirituality has nothing to
do with the work you do or the education one has.
There are brilliant scientists and manual workers
in the higher and the lower realms in the afterlife
3 only
1) I want to thank you so much for sending
me every week such a large amount of wonderful material.
During my spare time I study it deeply; now I'm
reading the book "Life in the world unseen"
which I found from a previous Report from you and
I saved a copy of the book on my I-Pad (very easy
to bring it everywhere). Every day I take the chance
of reading some pages of it : I'm very busy, I'm
a Gynecologist and mother of two teen-agers boys,
but after doing it I always feel spiritually better.
My husband, who can't read it because he doesn't
understand English, asks me all the time to resume
the book for him. I saw this place in my dreams,
sometimes in my life I saw and spoke with dead people
I knew before their passing: I define myself as
a "scientist" and I've been wondering
for all my life since I was a little girl what's
the meaning of all of it. I never found the answers
I was searching in official religion, but now, thanks
to you, I begin to see something glimmering. (Dr)Diana (Italy)
2) Dear Victor
If I could have a moment of your time to thank you
most sincerely for your generous gift and to share
with you the impact your book has had on my husband.
My husband read your book with great
interest and for the first time ever, he has shown
some interest in the subject of the Afterlife. He
has accompanied me to the Spiritualist Church for
the past three Sundays and on all occasions he received
messages which he could relate to.
Interestingly, the first message
he received from the Spirit world was about your
book. He was told that "the book he is currently
reading will open his mind to a new way of thinking."
The following week, a different medium referred
to the book he was reading and said "to continue
studying the subject bit by bit." He is currently
reading Dr Eben Alexander's Near-Death Experience.
Thank you too for your newsletter
which I enjoy reading. The work you are doing is
so important and special.
of the Beatles greatest hits.
Absolutely, the Beatles were right!
There is nothing more powerful, nothing more as
stimulating, nothing as important as LOVE. Over
12 million hits and it is still one of the most
popular Beatles songs. So, singalong with something
that has great value to you and to all of us.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play
the game.
It's easy.
Nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you
in time.
It's easy.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
Nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant
to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together, now!)
All you need is love. (everybody!)
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need (love is all you need).
Oh yeah!
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
She loves you, yeah yeah yeah.
Whilst we encourage and we publish
many papers and reports by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy
of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that
the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.