A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife


Dialectical Spiritualism by Victor Zammit


I am stating now that science has taken over the study of and research into the afterlife: and one time in the future all the world will accept that there is an afterlife as many scientists and other professionals say there is.

This means that the acceptance of the existence of the afterlife will have nothing to do with personal beliefs or historical religious or other traditional or cultural beliefs.

I applied to the afterlife the ‘dialectics of history’ (a method of analyzing developments by argument and counter-argument, see below). Starting from some two thousand years ago, I briefly trace the development of materialism and state that one can observe that there is an irresistible and inevitable trend towards afterlife science and world spiritual enlightenment being the final stage of mankind.


(Definitions for some key terms used in the article:

'Dialectics' refers to the art of discussion by means of question and answer, of evolving truths by logical discussion. It is a continuing process of discovering or clarifying truth through exposition, analysis, logic, criticism, argumentation, and the consideration of opposite argument, often represented by a -THESIS - the argument, an emerging ANTI -THESIS - the opposite-counter argument, and an ensuing SYNTHESIS - a resolution which is usually part of the THESIS -argument and part of the ANTI -THESIS -opposite argument.

SPIRITUALISM: does not refer to the traditional religion of Spiritualism. In this article spiritualism refers to the the body of evidence for the existence of the afterlife, communicating with those in the afterlife and knowledge that the paranormal exists.

EMPIRICAL: the use of Scientific Method in experiments to measure any phenomena.

MATERIALISM : The theory that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena. Materialists do not accept religion, the afterlife, the paranormal, any concept of God or anything considered to be 'superstitious'. The modern interpretation of extreme materialism also includes greed and extreme selfishness.

Karl Marx, George Wilhelm, F Hegel. were German philosophers who used the concept of the dialectical process. Marx applied it to economics and Hegel to nations. (In the article below, the dialectical process is applied to the afterlife). Karl Marx is also famous for postulating 'Dialectical Materialism' in the nineteenth century.

RENAISSANCE : The period of humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in the 14th century and later spread throughout Europe between the 14th through the 16th century, marking the transition from medieval to modern times.

The late seventeenth and the eighteenth century where a number of exceptional writers rebelled against the prevailing theological rule in Europe and advocated reason as the primary basis of authority. These writers' liberal philosophy had a huge impact on to the world.

'Dialectical Spiritualism'- The ‘historical inevitability’ of global acceptance of ‘the afterlife.’

We know that Karl Marx’ concept of the class struggle contained in his thesis ‘Dialectical Materialism’ shook the Western World out of its complacency in the twentieth century. We know that the leadership of Russia, China, Eastern European and other communist countries - virtually two thirds of the world after the Second World War, embraced Marx’ Dialectical Materialism– predicting the last stage of the dialectical conflict where the workers of the world would themselves own all the 'means of production', the wealth of the nation.

My submission is that ‘Dialectical Spiritualism’ is a more evolved concept than 'Dialectical Materialism' and that ‘Dialectical Spiritualism’ will inevitably lead to a final stage in mankind where everyone on this planet will accept scientifically based spiritual truth. My definition of dialectical spiritualism includes the existence of the afterlife, communicating with those in the afterlife, knowledge that the paranormal exists and a full understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect and other spiritual laws mentioned in information transmitted by those highly credible afterlife intelligences. Accordingly, spiritualism in this article has nothing to do with the religions of Spiritualism. All this will inevitably lead to a global, total spiritual enlightenment. See for yourself:


The dialectics is the law of opposites: a process - a ‘thesis’ (see diagram) - clashing with the antithesis giving rise to a synthesis - which is jointly part of the thesis and the antithesis.

Applied in this presentation the dialectics - ie, dialectical spiritualism refers to the current dialectical process that there is a clash between two opposite global forces - between spiritualism (the thesis) and materialism (the antithesis) – producing a (synthesis), a combination of spiritualism and the scientific-objective aspect of materialism.

The synthesis then gives rise to a new THESIS to be opposed by a new ANTI-THESIS to produce a new SYNTHESIS. This process will keep on repeating over time and space throughout history until there will be a 'FINAL SYNTHESIS' - the complete acceptance of the afterlife.

The predicted final permanent 'synthesis' will be where the influence of scientific materialism will strip away much of the religious and personal beliefs and superstition from the thesis, and empirically supportable spiritual truths will emerge to universal acceptance.

The concept of the dialectics is not new – it comes all the way from ancient Greece, from Plato and was improvised on by Hegel and Marx in the nineteenth century. What is new here, is the application of the dialectical process to 'spiritualism' – the total acceptance of the existence of and communicating with those in the afterlife - and as defined above.

It can be predicted that there will be clashes between the thesis and antithesis on a regional, national and on a universal level. There will be pockets of variable ‘resistance’ here and there around the world but eventually, the predicted inevitable result will be that all will agree with the new scientific and empirical, universal spiritual synthesis of universal enlightenment including the acceptance of the afterlife-paranormal.

Surveys, such those conducted by Andrew Greeley in the United States show that 65% of the people already accept there is an afterlife, another 30% are listed on the 'not sure' and 5% do not accept the afterlife. Those in the 65% accepting the afterlife will include also those who do not accept religion but accept the empirical-scientific evidence for the afterlife. That is consistent with the present thesis. I do predict that more people will accept the afterlife the more empirical studies are done about the afterlife.

Russia, all European countries, North and South America and many parts of Africa and Asia - all have had connections with the afterlife matter albeit theologically. All those countries in North Africa and in Asia all have had historical connection with theoretical afterlife including all other countries in other religions including Judaism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Christianity in all its forms and Islam. China too, has a long tradition dealing with afterlife matters except now China, after its Maoism in all its forms, appears to accept the paranormal (so far using it for military purposes) and is open to scientific paranormal.

What makes this prediction plausible is that science has now taken over the research of the afterlife. Whereas many man-made religious beliefs tend to be static- as theology has been for hundreds of years, science is cumulative and makes rapid progress. For example, the Christian Church still recites The Creed drafted in the year 325 AD in their daily services. Science, using aviation as an example, advanced from a single engine Tiger Moth in 1910 to extensive space aviation sending rockets to thousands of million miles into space - all in a matter of ninety years.

History tells us that for some one thousand years Europe suffered an ‘age of darkness’ – a thousand years of static strict dogmatic theology. This became the thesis which was opposed by the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, the antithesis which brought about a revolutionary new and powerful secular opposition- see for example the works of Thomas Paine, Voltaire, Diderot, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and David Hume. That clash produced a kind of a hybrid, a new synthesis where slowly, many in religion began to concede to a lot of demands by the champions of science and the Enlightenment, including liberal philosophy.

Gradually however this Enlightened thinking evolved into materialism which spread with the rapid industrialization of England and the USA in the nineteenth century. A great number of people came to believe and accept that with personal prosperity and wealth they did not need to rely on religion or praying to God for their well being and for the majority, especially in the West, experiencing the highest standard of living in the history of mankind.

A huge paradigm shift from the prevailing subjectivity- personal beliefs of religion was introduced in 1848 in Hydesville, USA . Spiritualism was the new synthesis and the emphasis became experiential evidence for the existence of the afterlife – as distinct from just blind faith and man made religious beliefs. For the first time belief and the acceptance of the afterlife could be based upon repeatable objective evidence.

But then another opposite paradigm shift came about to reinforce the contemporaneous materialistic antithesis – Darwinism, which many believe accelerated the faith in orthodox secular science and produced even more powerful modern materialism.

So by the twentieth century we had established on the one hand, the thesis of those who believed in the afterlife: those with subjective, personal beliefs (including all religious beliefs of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism and others) combined with those who looked for empirical evidence of the afterlife/paranormal. On the other hand there was the antithesis: hard core orthodox materialist science which rejected anything to do with religion, superstition and the afterlife.

To-day we are still experiencing the clashes on a global level between these two opposite forces.

The collapse of Marxism-communism in Russia and of the Eastern communist countries in Eastsern Europe in 1987 is evidence itself of the continous process of global 'Dialectical Spiritualism'. This is where the 'anti-thesis' atheistic communist block which did not accept the afterlife' has merged with the thesis to create a new synthesis - to further the development towards the ultimate synthesis where all people will accept the afterlife.

You may ask “Why are you so sure that this last stage of dialectical spiritualism will lead to a synthesis where everyone will accept universal spiritual truths?”

This is about historical inevitability. Looking back, we all can accept that there has been huge progress from primitive man to the modern world of electronics, high tech machines, aviation and space travel. We have also witnessed a continuous development over time in the acceptance of the afterlife – from primitive beliefs, to religious beliefs to empirical evidence for the afterlife.

What we are witnessing to-day, is the study of afterlife/paranormal matters progressing and evolving to a more empirical and more scientific level and being accepted by more scientists. Mediumship has been and is being scientifically studied along with electronic communication, near-death experiences, apparitions, out of body experiences, remote viewing etc. But I predict that it will be Instrumental Trans-communication and Electronic Voice Phenomena that will be the medium to crack the absolute proof for the afterlife. These developments will take time to penetrate into the global mass consciousness- but according to the dialectical spiritualism, they will!.

This trend has also been predicted by credible afterlife teachers. They stated that it is a fact that consistent with the Law of Progress, all people “in your world” here on earth will one day accept spiritual truths – these spiritual truths mentioned above. Spiritualists recorded other transmissions they had from the afterlife confirming that everything in the world – especially mind, body and spirit - is evolving – as everything in the universe is continuously evolving.

According to dialectical spiritualism, the irrelevant religious man-made dogmas, man-made theology and superstitions will wither away and all people from around the world will accept the fundamentals of spiritual truth – mainly the hard core objectivity for the afterlife/paranormal where it inevitably lead to universal enlightenment. Of course, the core of all religions- the connection between man and 'God' through various techniques developed over the centuries and validated experientially- will remain. And those religions which continue to incorporate empirically elicited principles especially about the afterlife will remain permanently. Granted this will take time, but inevitably, it is going to happen.

You may say, “But materialism is very strong – how can anyone neutralize the huge effects of gross materialism?” That may be so, but more materialists sooner or later will find that they do not have to believe in anything. They will have no choice but to accept the unrebuttable scientific objective and repeatable evidence for the existence of the afterlife because in the future, proof will be demonstrated at will. Through education and experience they will realize that the afterlife has huge consequences that materialism cannot help them with.

The acceptance of the afterlife will automatically lead people to realise that there is a powerful force behind the universe which people on Earth call the Supreme Force (nothing to do with the 'religous' God), the Supreme being. Transmitted information informs us that ALL those in the realm of the Light accept this.

There will be informed people around the world as there are now, who will continue to lecture, to publish books, have their own television and radio paranormal/ afterlife shows to spread the knowledge on a global level.

We have to be optimistic, positive and to accept that the inevitable, irresistible historical trend for all people around the world is towards acceptance of the afterlife and the paranormal. Highly reliable empirically elicited information from the otherside confirms that.

In retrospect, some two hundred years ago I, together with many of my friends and colleagues and readers of this paper, would have been burnt at the stake by the Church’s Inquisition- enforcing man-made dogmas. The Church, through Pope John Paul apologized for that. We have come a very long way and the trend is inexorably continuous.

Historical inevitability is on 'our' side.

While living on planet earth, a positive contribution is to be made from each according to his/her ability and each to receive according to his/her needs ...

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