If you have been sent this link by a
friend, or have come across it on the internet, sign
up here.
March 4th 2011
It has always been a fascination for me to observe
two distinct classes of people:
those who show they have the capacity and the skills
to plan long term - and those who live day by day
or are very short term planners. Those who start
thinking about the greatest event in their life
- crossing over, also begin to question what is
going to happen to them in the next stage of life.
They usually try to find out what information is
available so that they can be better prepared.
that, we come across the short-term materialist
thinkers who are happy to live only in the physical,
trying to maximize their circumstances. Some even
abuse their positions, are cruel to others and
even cheat and lie to attain their materialistic
objectives mistakenly thinking that they're NOT
going to be accountable.
That is why we need to do whatever we can to tell
everyone around the world that there is evidence
for afterlife and that the evidence tells us that
the afterlife has HUGE consequences. Short-term
thinking can get people into serious trouble for
eons of time - by our earth's time - on crossing
The more we read about the afterlife the better
equipped we are to have a very smooth, easy, beautiful,
heavenly transition and reach the glorious Realm
of the Light.
In his recent Perrott-Warrick Lecture,
(February 9th. 2011), Dr.
Rupert Sheldrake
talks about how he was typical of his atheistic
scientific colleagues who ridiculed the existence
of psychic phenomena until an older scientist
took him aside and invited him to examine the
evidence for telepathy. (Thanks to Kevin Jones
for the link).
AN ASPECT OF THE AFTERLIFE - not 'traditional'
- directly from the afterlife:
society's (traditional) definition of heaven is
a gross misrepresentation. Heaven sounds like
a deathly boring place to be, and I for one wouldn't
be caught dead there. All the residents of these
spirit realms have well developed senses of humor,
just like you do, perhaps more so. Our humor is
never sarcastic or at the expense of someone else.
There are many ironies to laugh over and much
spirited interchange among us all." (AND)
"You have a lot to look forward to. But don't
try to hurry over here. Life in the spirit realms
cannot substitute for your earthly experiences.
Each living holds invaluable lessons for you and
great joy in the process. Be heartened that man/woman
is immortal. You do not die when your physical
body does. You are as enduring as the stars. Even
more so." (from Beyond the Veil,
Judy Laddon)
AWATER INTERVIEWED ON NDE'S in 1988 We've come a long way
since 1988 thanks in part to the tireless research
of PMH Atwater. Here she is most persuasive in
rebutting the arguments of the skeptics- the same
ones that they use today 23 years later.
worldwide debut of Near-Death Experiences:
The Rest of The Story will occur March 5,
with a talk by P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D., from
1 to 4 pm, at Unity Church, 2825 Hydraulic Circle,
Charlottesville,VA. Sponsored by the A.R.E., details
are available from Joanne DiMaggio – are.cville@gmail.com.
PMH writes: " The purpose of this book is
to establish through actual, original fieldwork,
that the near-death experience is not some kind
of anomaly, but is rather part of the larger genre
of transformations of consciousness. It goes on
to show what transformations of consciousness
are, why we have them, why we crave them, where
they lead us, and what they are for. (And it’s
not what you think.) Count on it – this
book will be controversial." Purchase
receive so
many emails over the years from people who suffer
from crippling fears. Here is a transmission by
highly credible 'S Birch' directly from the
afterlife (S.B Anthology chapter 9).
"Never allow fear to find a lodgment within
your being. It is a negative quality which destroys,
vitiates and saps. It impairs your judgment; it
clouds your reason; it prevents you from seeing
issues clearly. There is no problem that comes
to any soul which you are incapable of solving.
There is no difficulty that you cannot conquer-if
you would but allow the latent divinity to rise
to the surface."
most nostalgic aspect of the Academy Awards in
the U.S.
is the 'in memoriam' section where
we are shown those who in the movie industry crossed
over during the last 12 months. Many were shown
against the evocative music 'Smile'. Their passing
is a constant reminder that we all have to make
that journey! Amongst those favorite movie stars
who crossed over: Tony Curtis (pictured left above),
Leslie Nielson (right), Patricia Neal, Anne Francis,
Susannah York (right, below), Dennis Hopper, Blake
Robert Culp, Lyn Redgrave, Pete Postlethwaite,
Lena Horne
(left ) and many others who worked
behind the camera. One interesting message left
to us by singer Lena Horne - who had a challenging
life "It's not the load that breaks you
down, It's the way you carry it."
QUESTION: "My dear wife who
was a good woman, died 3 months ago. I miss her
very much. I'd like to talk to her. How can I
do that? J.M.
Victor: Of course,
I can't tell you to "use the phone to ring
her up to talk
to her" ... that's not possible. She is physically
dead but she is alive in the spirit world. You
said she was a good woman - which tells me that
she was met by a dear one she knows and trusts
who helped her to go to the Realm of the Light.
True, if there is a heart to heart connection
it is possible for her to visit you regularly.
So regularly, find a quiet place, have her picture
near you, perhaps light a candle and mentally
tell her that you love her and that one day there
will be a wonderful reunion with her. Remember
also that highly credible information transmitted
from the afterlife tells us that we get out of
our body to meet loved ones - so you do see her
regularly. But that memory is in the mind, not
in the brain. Some people can actually remember
these visits to the afterlife dimension.
research shows that people who die make their
presence know in a number of ways. These include: (1) Sensing
their presence (2) Hearing their voice (3) Feeling their touch (4) Smelling them (5) Seeing them as if they were
real (6) Seeing a flat vision of them
like a photo (7) Experiencing one of these
while half-asleep (8) Having a visit in a dream-
but the dream is unusually vivid and you do not
forget it like a normal dream (9) Having an out-of-body experience
and meeting them (10) Receiving a telephone call
from the person who died (two-way conversations
have actually been reported.) (11) Experiencing electrical
appliances such as lights, TVs, and radios going
on and off (12) Receiving a symbolic message,
sign, meaningful coincidence, or synchronicity
more ... .
WHAT IF.... an inspirational
short digital story by
Sandra Champlain invites you to see the death
of a loved one from the larger perspective..watch
Harris was a brilliant Welsh materialization medium
who died in 1974. According to a
report in Psychic News (August 1946) by Maurice
Barbanell at the seance he attended there were
thirty different materialized figures clearly
seen in good red light. The figures walked about
ten feet from the cabinet where the medium could
clearly be seen sitting in trance. They had long
conversations with their loved ones in many different
languages not known by the medium. Sir Alexander
Cannon claimed that he had conversed with two
Tibetans in their ancient language. Professor
T.J. Haarhoff claimed that he spoke with someone
in Ancient Greek and discussed something that
had happened in an earlier seance in South Africa.
more about Alex Harris' mediumship.
One of our subscribers, Chris H. writes:
"I recently watched a movie titled "The
Five People You Meet in Heaven"
with the actors Jon Voight and Ellen Burstyn and
was very entertained as well as deeply touched
by this movie, recommending it to all of our ilk.
It is one of those movies that can make me cry."
The theme of the story is that no life is a waste,
no matter how seemingly insignificant, that there
are no random acts, because all are connected
and that peace, learning
and growth await us on the Other Side. You
can buy the DVD from Amazon.com for less than
the price of a movie. The
reviews look great.
not order through the pages of one of the afterlife
research organizations we support. It costs no
more and gives them a much needed income. Forever
Family Foundation Windbridge
lose faith in the Church” : Many
priests, hugely
disappointed, feel betrayed, feel abandoned –
and don’t believe anymore. “ONE priest
said he learnt more about God from Alcoholics
Anonymous meetings than the Catholic Church. Another
compared the fervor of World Youth Day to the
Hitler Youth. And a 47-year-old, whose only ambition
had been to be a priest, said: ''Given the state
of the church today, I look forward to the night
when I go to sleep and just don't wake up again."
Such were the varied, often frank and sometimes
bleak views of Australia's Catholic clergy revealed
in an anonymous survey.” The Charles Sturt
University academics Chris McGillion and John
O'Carroll approached 1550 active and 160 retired
priests for their views on their lives and their
church, and 542 took part in the written survey.
The results, plus 50 face-to-face interviews,
were the basis of their book Our Fathers,
which revealed that many thought the Vatican was
out of touch, bishops were bad managers and the
future of the church was a cause of great concern.
Read more
JOSEPH DONE'S LINKS- for afterlife researchers We
previously featured a list of articles and books
reader Joseph Done had assembled about the afterlife
for his family. Another reader asked Joseph to
share more about his online sources. Joseph kindly
checked his list of favorites on his computer
and we have added the links to the bottom of the
list he originally gave us.
people- This is an update on an email
that did the rounds many years ago.It
reminds us of the appalling inequality and that
those of us who can read this report have so much
to be grateful for.
Kevin Lawrenson writes that he and Tom Morris
are halfway through their tour of Australia having
completed several sittings in Sydney and Melbourne.
Apart from the heat of summer in Sydney (from
-5 in France to 40 degrees+ here) they seem to
have been having a great time as you can see from
the photos...
You can listen to the
audio recordings of their demonstrations on their
website. Listen
to audio recordings
TODAY[ Thursday 7 PM Eastern/
4PM Pacific - Friday 11am Sydney- London midnight]
Portals to the Other Side- Can Psychomanteums
be used to facilitate spirit communication? Psychomanteums
(Oracles of the Dead) were used in ancient
Greece as a means by which people kept in touch
with their deceased loved ones. The process is
based upon sensory deprivation, and modern day
versions of these chambers are in use and under
scrutiny by researchers. Bob, Phran, and Melissa
have all entered a psychomanteum several times
and will discuss their experiences.Listen
live or to archived program.
1)Victor thanks
again for all the information you present in your
newsletter and all the people you present on video.
2) Hello
Victor and Wendy, Thank you as always
for all the interesting items in your reports.
3)Hi Victor,
my name is Jimmy and I am a massive fan of what
you are doing... Jimmy.
VICTOR: Thank you very much and continued
best wishes to you on your very important work.
5) Dear Victor,
After visiting the following great and well-balanced
website, I would like to see it featured in the
Friday Afterlife Report. Thank you! http://www.scienceagainstevolution.org
MUSIC - opens
our heartand for
some precious moments makes us forget
our problems. Here is a most
highly inspirational song - one of
the greatest songs ever written -
associated with that comic genius
Charles Chaplin (who wrote the music)
- still a favorite with the great
singers of to-day: The version chosen
is by Nat King Cole who shows he has
the depth to convey the meaning of
the very sensitive lyrics of SMILE.
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky,
you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through
for you
Light up your face
with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
That's the time you
must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons
and music by Charles Chaplin
Whilst we encourage and
we publish many papers and reports by
afterlife researchers, we are not in
a position to guarantee the accuracy
of all claims. We accept the imputed
claim that the afterlife and paranormal
research done by the researchers is
done in good faith.