Olaf Van Der Hoeven MSc (clinical
have sat in physical mediumship circles more than 15 times
in the last one and a half years. I have witnessed all kinds
of physical phenomena. Apports, materialisations, direct
voice, transfiguration, flying trumpets and tables, I have
even shook a materialised hand of a spirit once in 2009.
On the sixth of March I sat with the Yellow Cloud Circle
Of Eternal Illumination with Tom, Kevin and my mother Lidy
at Montcabirol in the south of France. It was the most incredible
and most powerful sitting I have ever witnessed, almost
all possible phenomena occurred in one and the same sitting.
We had almost three hours chat with John Campbell Sloan,
Irene Simms , Jonathan Sinclair and Yellow Cloud...transfiguration,
matter through matter, direct voice, flying trumpets and
tables, instruments being played, we were gripped firmly
by the spirit hand of John Sloan, he even showed us his
hand on a luminous board, we had an apport of a very old
glass marble......Yellow Cloud transfigured in red light,
he stood up out of the chair with his chest enlarging, his
arms went straight through the velcro straps which were
tight and firmly holding Tom's arms to the arms of his seat...YC
walked towards us with his hands raised in the air and spoke
to us. He stamped his feet a few times in front of us, as
he stared at us there was a MASSIVE flow of energy coming
from him, so powerful...such an enormous powerful Spirit...this
feeling was truly incredible. Watching the full personality
of Yellow Cloud standing in front of us and looking at me
made me feel so small and humble. It was the most incredible
and impressive sitting I have ever been in without a doubt.
At the end of the sitting we heard something make a noise
in front of us....Kevin put the light on and Tom was sitting
right in front of us still strapped to his armchair and
still in deep trance....the cabinet curtain was closed behind
him...Spirit had transported him through the curtain....I
was invited to check the medium several times during this
sitting and each time I checked, Tom was still firmly strapped
to his chair.
The Yellow Cloud Circle can touch the hearts of people and
beside that Tom and Kevin are wonderful, loving and humble
persons themselves.
John Sloan, Irene, Jonathan, Yellow Cloud and many more
of the Spirit team are there to help everyone on their Spiritual
path to the truth, and that is continuous life.....It would
be such an enormous benefit to mankind if more circles and
more healers helped humanity with this very special and
life changing work.
Olaf Van Der Hoeven