A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife



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The Daily Telegraph
27- THE DAILY TELEGRAPH Wednesday, May

Billionaire Kerry Packer' 'million' by Jo Casamento

"Not that he needs it but *Kerry Packer could claim the $1million reward offered by solicitor Victor Zammit to anyone who can prove the afterlife doesn’t exist.

Well, a reader pointed out the one million smackeroos should be heading straight for the *Packer wallet, because he claimed to have visited “the other side” after suffering a heart attack in 1990.

“Let me tell you son, there’s nothing there.” He told *Ray Martin.
Zammit’s offer made front-page news in psychic papers in the UK.
He claims the reward is guaranteed by four Sydney lawyers, including himself."

*The Daily Telegraph is a daily major, mainstream newspaper in Sydney, NSW, Australia.

*Kerry Packer, a billionaire residing in Sydney, Australia who owns much of the media in Australia.




*Victor Zammit, is a retired lawyer of the Supreme Court of New South Wales challenging anyone from around the world for one million dollars to beat his evidence for the existence of the afterlife – see


*Ray Martin is a popular television journalist who has interviewed Kerry Packer a number of times.


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