Saturday, 14 June 2008 8:39 PM
Subject: Diana speaks about Barry Eaton Interview Radio
Out There
Date Posted:25/01/2006 08:07:05):
Hello, Though still very much a subject of great contention
with some of you, something I fully realise, my channelling
through Andrew is something very real with obviously a purpose
or it would not be something significant which it is and
will prove itself in being, he will become extremely well
known and I have to say this process is already starting
as I have a number of things I need to say, not least of
all about the events taking place in Paris in August of
1997 and already this is happening!
Albeit through him ( A Voice - Medium ) having
spoken on radio in the U.S. and most recently on Australian
radio, which is a transmission that
from February 1st you will be able to hear for yourselves
in the archive area on the internet and which I am sure
will prove to be of immense interest to some of you anyway
as intended naturally with more transmissions to follow
elsewhere in the world! In my life I was never afraid to
speak out about things that I felt were important to me
albeit not making me popular in all areas, I knew that but
it didn't stop me and in this respect I have not changed
at all so as I say you will be hearing a lot more from me
in the future from various sources, there are of course
others who channel me.
Andrew is not alone in this respect and that is
of course very important for people to realise as it gives
a lot more credence to it's being true, not that Andrew
as I have said previously has anything personally to gain
by pretending otherwise except as he has received already
abuse and insults by some on the net but this has not daunted
him but made him even more determined to assist me in getting
my words literally "Out There!" and settling a
few scores with honesty as opposed to fantasy which until
now anyway has invariably been the case as publicised by
less informed sources and the time is now appropriate for
this and anyone who knew me will know when I wanted something
done, when I set my heart on something, anything, I achieved
it and would not stop until I had done ........ a very stubborn
and determined lady!
Naturally coming from the source it is, an area
which I have said before raises a lot of doubt with some
people and questioning with others, he will not be believed
in by all and indeed quite the opposite in fact, likely
to be ridiculed and even thought by some as I was accused
of being, unstable and quite mad, the media quite mercenary
in their tactics ... I just thought I'd draw attention to
this point before it happens and so once again anticipating
the future in advance but he is already prepared for this
and believed in or not will be making quite an impression
and that's what most counts and my site has a purpose therefore
in being on the net as the foundation stone for all that
follows and one therefore that as already can be seen is
increasing in popularity which is marvellous and extremely
encouraging and for this I thank all of you now who are
taking an interest in it.
It is after all your support that will help to
balance the equation and that in the light of things to
come is not something that can or ought to be under estimated
in its value at all and why I am personally most grateful
to you for it, your genuine interest in everything is something
very much appreciated by me and I wanted you all to know
that. Also of course proving that I'm still very much around
and that I know is a comforting thought for some of you
and again something there for personally very important
to me for you all to realise and to believe!"
Andrew Russell-Davis 2005