A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife

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COMMENTARY: crossing over – the death of the physical body and the survival of the self:

Why is it that in our society, the most critical event in our lifetime – crossing over to the afterlife – is a taboo subject for discussion? We avoid talking about death of the physical body – as if it is not going to happen. People find it impolite to discuss death socially. Yet death of the physical body is inevitable. We have no say in it. It will happen.

Wouldn’t you like to know whether the afterlife exists – and if you will ever meet your loved ones again? And what you will be doing in the afterlife?

Many accept that for some 2,000 years religious beliefs, values, tradition and history have become entrenched in our society and these have programmed us unconsciously to perceive the world in a particular way not necessarily consistent with empirical findings about the afterlife.

Informed people know that religious beliefs are no guarantee of the truth. This is because intelligent informed people observe that around the world there are many different and inconsistent religious beliefs about the afterlife.

When a belief is unsupported by science, the belief could be completely invalid. These days repeatable empirical psi experiments are modifying entrenched theology. But this will take time to filter into the collective unconscious.

Highly credible people, including scientists, empiricists (empiricism= using strict scientific method to measure afterlife, paranormal and other phenomena), doctors and lawyers say that whilst the physical body will die – and can be burnt like an old coat, the etheric (spiritual body) will, with absolute certainty, live on for an indefinite period of time. This information is empirical - and comes from empirically tested mediums. Also this information is consistent with all afterlife claims from most countries in the world to-day.

Further, this information has nothing to do with beliefs, it has to do with afterlife physics - the afterlife vibrations spinning faster than on physical earth. (More about this see Chapter 6 Einstein's E=mc2 and materialization.

In the last decades, something quite dramatic has occurred. The study of the afterlife has been taken over by scientists and empiricists. Death is no longer the exclusive jurisdiction of the churches, of religion, of beliefs and has absolutely nothing to do with superstition or guesswork.

Point of clarification: a couple of critics have stated that some intelligent scientist-debunkers do not accept the afterlife. I state that there is no link at all between high intelligence and objectivity. This means that a highly intelligent scientist who did not investigate the objective evidence for the afterlife is likely to retain his/her negative prejudices.

Further, emotions can over-ride empirical results when the emotions are deeply entrenched. One high profile closed-minded, anti-paranormal psychologist (a member of those East Side closed minded skeptical Debunkers' Group) in the United States confessed to another high profile psychologist, "I have no control over my beliefs" - conceding that his emotions controlled his beliefs - instead of he controlling his emotions and beliefs.

Of course, there would be other psychological problems for a psychologist who invested his lifetime denying the afterlife exists. His status would crumble. His funding would be reduced or stopped. Most of his colleagues would dump him. His career would suffer. The media would ignore him. So he takes the line of least resistance, staying where he is and continuing to deny the existence of the afterlife.

When science takes over the study of the afterlife, we are guaranteed that the results of the experiments will give us great confidence in understanding and accepting the afterlife. That is progress. Progress because thinking people around the world no longer want to believe without evidence.

Most critical, is that scientists and empiricists have objective authority to support their conclusions about the afterlife. Theology, religious or other beliefs do NOT have any objective authority at all about anything they state about the afterlife. In any inconsistency between objective (empirical) authority and subjective (personal religious beliefs), inevitably the objective authority prevails and inevitably, will always prevail.

While religious people usually believe (but without evidence) that there is an afterlife they have no idea what the afterlife is like. Because there is nothing fundamental in the religious writings about what actually happens from the time one crosses over except you either go to heaven or hell or purgatory (for the Catholics) or you get stuck underground until Jesus comes to judge the living and the dead. Most people are not accepting this Church's view of the afterlife.

Now we find that religious leaders are reading the information transmitted from the afterlife dimension. That’s good. That's sensible. That’s excellent, because now their theology will be modified to make it consistent with the empirical results about the afterlife.

Those who accept the afterlife physics would also accept that religious acitivites such as baptism, confession and death religious servics are totally irrelevant to what will happen to you when you cross over. This is because of the physics' energy Law of Cause and Effect - does not support or validate baptism and confession - and no one on earth, no priest, no Rabbi, no Mullah or any other allegedly 'holy' person has any power to modify the Law of Cause and Effect.

Empiricists, scientists and others who are NOT religious from around the world have demonstrated that the afterlife exists – to them it is not a question of belief, not a question of religion, it is a question of ACCEPTING the EVIDENCE. Some of these empiricists do not even believe in any form of religion or superstition – some of them do not even believe in the theological, personal ‘God.’ That’s their prerogative. See Chapter 2 of the BOOK.

Empiricists say: “We do NOT have the luxury of subjectivity, of beliefs, of religion, of superstition or faith …we are scientists, hard core empiricists.”

Now, the negatively prejudiced debunker, one who does not believe there is an afterlife or in the paranormal – that person does NOT have any evidence at all that there is no afterlife. He/she will state words to the effect, “Ah, well, it is not up to me to prove anything …I don’t have to prove the negative.”

THAT is a cop-out. Why? Because first, the debunker has to show that there is NO evidence for the afterlife. No debunker, no scientist, no skeptic has not done that. No closed minded skeptic, no scientist or empiricist or anybody else has ever shown that the afterlife does not or cannot exist. Secondly, the debunker has to show, empirically, WHY the existing afterlife evidence ought not be accepted. THAT has NOT been done either.

Experience shows that there will never be enough hard core empirical objective evidence for the stubborn closed-minded skeptic if the closed minded skeptic does not want to accept any of the objective evidence.

Technically, a debunker really is a ‘believer’ when the debunker believes in something the debunker cannot validate or prove. We know that any belief - unless it it supported by science or empiricism - is subject to complete invalidation.

Procedurally then, the onus shifts onto the closed minded debunkers to show why the evidence ought not be accepted. Up until now, this has NOT been done! This is the situation to-day. That is why more people to day are accepting the afterlife and the paranormal than ever before. People intuitively want to know what is going to happen when they die. We now know what is going to happen because of science, of empiricism - NOT because of any religious writings which say nothing about the afterlife conditions.

I re-state, that physical death is inevitable, inescapable and unavoidable. The 'open minded' skeptic has enough evidence to accept that life goes on after physical death.

The good news is that we will meet our loved ones again. There is also some bad news for those who are consistently cruel or spiteful or vindictive and/or selfish. They could be in for some very serious problems for when they cross over – they may not reach the realm of the light.

But average open-minded decent folk have nothing to worry about because beliefs are not critical on crossing over. The afterlife is a world we all should know about – especially what happens when we die: go to BOOK chapter 27.

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