if I have not replied to your email. I'm still doing very
urgent work. Will reply soon. Victor
13th June 2008
most highly controversial item in my twenty years of investigating
the afterlife: I was stunned - talking to an
entity who
called herself Diana, the former Princess of Wales. Last
week I put in my Friday Report an item on 'Diana' and
the links to hear her speak at length - audios obtained
over the last few years. There are hours of talks by 'Diana'.
Experts I consulted agree that the contents of the audios
are highly persuasive, that in fact the voice could well
be Diana's voice. Other experts also stated that there
is the realistic potentital that 'Diana' is who she claims
to be. I studied the voice myself, and I know from experience
that it would be difficult for an imposter to speak for
hours consistently maintaining a Diana voice - in fact
a professional actor told me that a really good actor
can go for a time using the voice to emulate someone else
- but not consistently for hours. A skeptical journalist
from the U.K. who studied the contents and the voice agreed
that it is likely to be Diana - the intimacy of the knowledge
she transmitted about the circumstances, about herself,
about her children, about Dodi and others. Immediately,
I told 'Diana' that it would be critical to obtain as
much validation as possible to objectively prove her identity.
Content analysis of 'Diana's' transmissions shows that
except for a few negative extremists, anyone would be
by the detailed knowledge and intimacy and the power behind
her motivation and the desire to continue to do wonderful
work for mankind: helping humanity to accept that there
is an afterlife. The empiricist in me longs
for physical and other evidence. Sociologists use 'content
analysis' to measure internal consistency of the transmissions
for validation. So this week I again will be putting on
the website material from 'Diana' so that you can see
and hear more for yourselves about one of the most important
and powerful personalities of the twentieth century who
apparently still wants to make a most important spiritual
contribution - from the afterlife.
FROM DIANA - "... Yes, there is an afterlife!":
night, Thursday at around 8pm
(Australian Eastern time) I telephoned Andrew Russell-Davis
in Europe, the medium who states he is the trance medium
for Diana. He arranged for 'Diana' to come through –
so that I was actually conversing directly with an entity
who identified herself as Diana (pictured)- sounding just
like she was on earth except perhaps the voice was just
very slightly deeper. We had a brief fifteen minute conversation,
but one of the questions I asked her was, “Assuming
you are who you claim to be, what message do you have
for the people around the world?” This is 'Diana’s'
reply which was confirmed by an email sent to me by 'Diana'
through her medium Andrew Russell-Davis.
" Hello Victor,
It was lovely talking to you too albeit somewhat briefly
but I appreciate you are a busy man. My message to the
people of the world I think might well be this ....
“Hello Everybody,
Whilst I am aware of the fact that for many my speaking
might be viewed with skepticism naturally, I would ask
you to ask yourselves why this might not be possible and
particularly regarding someone who said of herself in
life, "She won't go quietly” speaking even
then in the third person context !
I was always pitched up front, the "Way- Shower"
if you like in so many areas and I'd imagine therefore
I am the prefect candidate to be chosen to do so again
now, illustrating the reality of there indeed existing
"Life After Death" in a very real way or this
would not be happening!
There's food for thought ! "
With love from, Diana xx
Before anyone dismisses anything without investigation,
that as an empiricist I do not automatically accept
or reject any information that comes to me. I need proof.
I need evidence - hard core evidence. As I stated to
you in Friday Report last week about the messages from
Princess Di: from the evidence YOU BE THE JUDGE as to
whether what comes across is really Princess Diana.
Keep an open mind. Allow your mind to perceive any information
with true empirical equanimity. And just because the
claim is fantastic, don’t dismiss anything UNLESS
FIRST you investigate. Question: is it theoretically
possible for someone to communicate with me from the
afterlife? Evidence shows, YES, ABSOLUTELY, it is possible
from those in the afterlife to communicate with us –
and with me, personally. I have 18 years experience
communicating with intelligences from the afterlife.
So, how do we go about investigating
'Diana’s' message? The audios and videos on the
archives of the Diana Speaks website and the podcasts
on www.sessionswithspirit.info
are very interesting and highly provocative. My position,
as most of you know, is to present the evidence and
leave it entirely up to you to decide whether it is
really Diana who is speaking. Read, study and investigate
and be patient. Assuming for one moment it is the real
highly influential Diana, what is wrong with using her
power, prestige and status to tell us yes, there is
an afterlife?
Here's what the claimed Diana wrote
to me: Emails...
Last week Tony Pappard was highly suspicious of the
Diana communications and began to investigate. He contacted
the two mediums and his own deceased partner whom he
claims communicates with him from the other side. By
the end of a week he became convinced that they were
his comments.
What question would
you ask Diana for you to be satisfied that she is who
she claims to be?
Make your
question sharp and short. If all goes well, Diana will
respond to your questions next time. Of course, do not
ask questions that have already been answered in the
transmissions - the links given. One question per reader
- but send in up to three questions if you like, let
me choose one of the questions. If you do not agree
it is Diana, give your valid reasons why not. Send
your question/s...
Advice ostensibly given by a wise old soul on the other
side to a newcomer to the afterlife who was expressing
his intense desire to return to Earth to tell people
that the afterlife exists.
“There are thousands - millions of friends here
who have been animated and swayed by the feelings which
now move you; but when the opportunity has come and
they have proceeded to carry out their noble desires
they have found that which will yet be your own experience.
In the first place, you will not be believed as to your
identity, and will be called upon to fight a long and
by no means complimentary battle to prove you are a
messenger from this life. Next, having gained this point
in the presence of a few, they will begin to demand
from you numberless signs and wonders to strengthen
this proof and gratify their curiosity. When you have
succeeded in this, and your heart is burning to begin
your work, someone else will be brought in, and they
will demand that you shall go through the unwelcome
process again, for the gratification of the late newcomer.
In fact, this is the normal condition in which they
desire to circumscribe our work, and the greatest care
is needed not to drive them away before we have attempted
to sow some grain of truth.“
(Through the Mists, p.128)
IS IT LIKE TO DIE? Account 3. Account of a person who
dies in an accident.
"I was walking along a crowded footpath, engaged
in contemplation
of the lights and shadows visible on the faces of passers-by,
when I heard a scream, and saw a child in deadly peril
among the horses in the road. He was not far away, so
bounding forward- with no thought but for his safety-
I reached and dragged him from his hazardous position,
then turned, and--- Something touched me. I clasped
the boy more firmly and stepped forward. The noise ceased,
vehicles and street faded away, as if some great magician
had waved his wand, the darkness disappeared, and I
was lying upon a grassy slope in an enchanted land."
The above account is taken from page
7 of a best selling book called "Through the Mists",
the first of three books in a series written by automatic
writing through the famous British medium Robert Lees
(1848-1931). There are many stories about Lees, one
(which has been largely discredited) being that he helped
the police catch the crazy doctor who was Jack the Ripper.
You can read a
summary of the three books here.
great internet event to support Julie Beischel's wonderful
Windbridge Institute that we wrote about last week.
Monday, July 7, 2008, 7pm-9pm Central USA time (convert
to your time here....) Windbridge Certified Research
Mediums Joanne Gerber (pictured left above ) Doreen
Molloy (pictured right) and Stephanie
Bridges Stevens (pictured left below) will provide messages
from your loved ones in spirit during this special evening
online. Online with The Other Side offers a unique opportunity
to hear from your loved ones in spirit from the comfort
of your home through certified, reputable mediums while
providing much needed support for the research performed
at The Windbridge Institute. And all for a mere $7.00!
are limited...
book by Michael Schmicker, one of the best books for
those who want to study more about the afterlife evidence:
An investigative reporter’s three year quest to
uncover the best scientific evidence for ESP, psychokinesis,
Mental Healing, Ghosts and Poltergeists, Dowsing, Mediums,
Near Death Experiences, Reincarnation and other impossible
phenomena that throughout history REFUSE to disappear.
“an important book.” Edgar Mitchell, Apollo
14 astronaut. “… a dazzling journey into
one of the most important areas of science that has
ever existed.” Dr Larrry Dossey MD, New York Times
best-selling author. “My highest recommendation
… not just one but half a dozen astounding stories,
anyone of which can change the way we think about the
nature of reality.” Dr Dean Radin, author of best
selling The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth
of Psychic Phenomena.’ Read
it happens! Highly credible transmissions from the otherside
– from around the world – inform us that
there are those materialists and hard core skeptics
in the afterlife who push stubbornness to its extreme
by refusing to accept they are in fact residing in the
afterlife! There is a dialogue between an American lawyer
with his medium and a materialist from the afterlife
who was a wrongdoer when on planet earth – and
although he’s been in the afterlife for years
– he continues to say, “There is no
afterlife.” These are some of his responses
to this lawyer Edward C Randall, (THE FRENCH REVELATION-
through the mediumship of Emily French See pages 196-202.)
– a wrongdoer from the afterlife, “I
am not dead nor am I interested in the subject”,
“… there is no survival-no continuity of
life. Death is the end.”, “There is no such
thing as life after death.” “…I am
not dead!” “I cannot accept a word you say
about a life after death. There is no other life-there
can be none - a man dies like a dog.”, “I
am not dead … If I were I would not be talking
to you.”, “No, I don’t want to know
that I am dead …and I don’t want to know
about it.”, “It would be foolish to tell
me such a thing when I am here talking to you.”
Eventually this stubborn materialist was brought face
to face with his business partner who had died before
this stubborn materialist did – to convince him
that he is dead. His business partner in the afterlife
told him that he knew this materialist had stolen money
from the trust, depriving the surviving spouse and child
of the partner. This stubborn materialist was shocked
by the revelation that he was no longer an inhabitant
of physical earth … and that his brutal corruption
on earth had been discovered. The realization took place
with a lot of horror!
Taken from THE FRENCH REVELATION pp. 196-202.
(To obtain a copy email the editor: nrileyh@hotmail.com)
this interview Alex Tsakiris, host of Skeptico, talks
with Dr Julie Beschel of the Windbridge institute about
the importance of modern credible academic research
into mediumship, about the difficulty of getting funding
for medium research and of their frustration with what
she calls "pathological-sceptics" who don't
read the research.
Listen now: (Takes a while to download)
W e get a great deal of positive feedback about our
weekly Friday Reports. Last week's video about the child
who had spontaneous memories of a life as a pilot brought
a flood of emails. Many said that there was a gut feeling
that the parents were totally genuine and that reincarnation
was proven from that just one incident – extremely
difficult to rebut. In fact, one former skeptic who
viewed the video was very much overwhelmed by the evidence
presented. If you want to watch the video on REINCARNATION
again, you can find it in my last
week's Friday Report.
The author, DR Jan W. Vandersande Ph.D.
in Holland has described in considerable detail some
of the best evidence that he is aware of for life after
death. He has based this evidence on his own investigations
and experiences which include sittings with trance mediums
and channelers, and also sitting quite regularly over
an eight year period in a circle in which he witnessed
physical phenomena such as trumpets flying around the
séance room, direct voice and ectoplasm. All
his experiences are described in detail. Life After
Death: Some of the Best Evidence, has been published
and is now
available on Amazon.com
There are those who are anti-materialization,
anti-paranormal, anti-academic who are not qualified
- and others, not professional in Scientific Method
(minimum of three years at university) who try to throw
mud at those who are formally qualified, at those who
are successful – especially professionals with
doctorates in science. This week I heard mutterings
that some critic is attacking the above book on the
basis that one instance of bad grammar – (by someone
writing in English as a second language) – reduces
the credibility of the scientific results!!! C’mon
mister, you are being most unfair, most unreasonable
and unnecessarily most pedantic and dogmatic. There
is no correlation between an error in grammar and obtaining
correct results in scientific methodology. Solecism,
grammar mistakes, will not encumber objective results.
Dr Jan W. Vandersande Ph.D, a brilliant physicist who
taught at one of New York’s prestigious universities,
has made a fantastic contribution to validating the
paranormal. Because there was nothing to pick on in
the substantive book, this critic picks on a grammatical
error? That says a lot about the critic!
If you have ever seen pictures of spirit materializations
or of spirit photographs, you’ve probably had a
good laugh. Some of them are so ridiculous and hokey looking
that one wonders how the “trickster” medium
could possibly have thought he or she could fool anybody.
Certainly, they could have come up with better and more
believable “tricks.” If you want a better
understanding of the phenomena, Read
not against religion or against the Catholics
or Christians, or Buddhists or any religion. I’m
not against anyone or anybody. People have a right to
their beliefs. But I am an empirical investigator into
the existence of the afterlife and I also had to study
the etiology of the Bible to find out if it has anything
specific about what happens when we die. There is nothing!
But empiricists and the ‘new scientists’
who accepted the evidence for the afterlife AFTER they
investigated have given us specific details as to what
is going to happen to us the moment we breath our very
last on this planet earth. I used some fifty sources
to inform what happens to us when we cross over. Click
on BOOK top right, click on chapter
OUT THERE: Barry Eaton’s
radio interviews – he’s
probably one of the very best in the world to-day partly
because he interviews people who have in depth understanding
of the paranormal. Look
up the archives and see for yourselves.
"bright greens" are the environmentalists
who believe that there are technological solutions to
the environmental crisis. A great source of the latest
"bright-green" ideas is at World
Changing. The site also offers a book, " a
groundbreaking compendium of the most innovative
solutions, ideas and inventions emerging today for building
a sustainable, livable, prosperous future. From consumer
consciousness to a new vision for industry; non-toxic
homes to refugee shelters; microfinance to effective
philanthropy; socially responsible investing to starting
a green business; citizen media to human rights; ecological
economics to climate change, this is the most comprehensive,
cutting-edge overview to date of what's possible in
the near future -- if we decide to make it so."
VOICE BOX: this is a Website that works towards
providing knowledge and understanding of all forms of
mediumship, which will hopefully, help those interested
in working in this field towards working with Safe Practices
– with particular emphasis on Physical Mediumship....
Apart from publishing as many stories of mediums of
the past, and what they used to do to develop their
mediumship, the trials and tribulations that they had
to suffer at the hands of the law and the scientists,
we are hoping that readers, during their own investigations
and development, will share their experiences and phenomena
obtained with our other readers. Maybe you run a physical
circle and have had phenomena that you would like to
share with other like minded people and developing circles.
In turn, giving encouragement to those who may not yet
be as advanced as your group where possible." Read
Do Tables Tilt, Turn and Float?
Table Levitation Phenomena, 1850-2006"
you know of interested individuals living in or near
Basel, Switzerland, or in neighbouring areas of Germany
or France, kindly tell them about a lecture which will
be largely presented in German with some English-German
translation by Walter Meyer zu Erpen, BA, MAS, Historian
and Archivist, and President, Survival Research Institute
of Canada SAT., 21 JUNE 2008 – 7:00 to 8:45 pm
Basler Psi-Verein Neuweilerstr. 15, 4054 BASEL, SWITZERLAND
Information: +41 (061) 383 97 20 info@bpv.ch www.bpv.ch
Cost: 20 Swiss Francs (10 Swiss Francs for members)