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Report for subscribers
December 18th 2009
Apologies if
I have not replied to your email- also please do not
send for books for the next two weeks. We are now exploring
San Francisco. More later. Homepage http://www.victorzammit.com Last
week's report
David Thompson had a most interesting suggestion.
He has made a special offer to greatest closed
minded skeptic on earth to-day, James Randi, and other
celebrity anti-afterlife skeptics - such as Carl Sagan
and Richard Dawkins. When Randi (and any other celebrity
skeptic) crosses over and finds himself still alive
in the afterlife dimension all he has to do is get in
touch with David Thompson's guide, William, to make
arrangements to materialize and tell the world that
he was wrong about the afterlife. If he is too shy to
do that, David Thompson has asked me, when I cross over,
to seek out Randi and the other celebrity skeptics-
and urge him/them to come through David to announce
that the afterlife exists. Naturally enough, I would
also materialize along with Randi (and anybody else)
to make this world shattering announcement about the
afterlife. So that's the plan. There could however be
a problem if Randi goes into denial claiming that he
is not dead because he has a body and memories etc.
etc. That situation could last for hundreds of years.
But if he tries to open his mind and accept that he
is in the afterlife dimension, he (and other closed
minded celebrity skeptics) could save themselves hundreds
of years - even thousands of years by our earth's time
of a life in darkness and misery.
across something I would regard spectacular evidence
the existence of the afterlife. The voice of a well
known personality - Gordon Higginson, medium extraordinaire,
President of the National Spiritualist Union who had
a wonderful energy when on physical earth (see last
week's report). Since his passing he has come through
at least two different materialization mediums to state,
in his own voice, among other things, that he is alive
and doing very well in the afterlife. I was present
when he came through David Thompson and talked with
Ken Pretty of the Spiritualist
Alliance Church in Auckland correcting him accurately
about where and when he had last met him in one of the
English Spiritualist Churches.
That was a dramatic validation. Listen.
Several years earlier Gordon Higginson
had come through another wonderful medium, Colin Fry.
Unmistakably, it is the voice of the same Gordon Higginson,
who from the afterlife is still helping those thousands
here on earth that the afterlife exists. Any expert
with forensic voice correlation testing equipment will
find consistency in the voice vibrations of Gordon Higginson
when he came through David Thompson and through Colin
Fry. Well done Gordon Higginson.
called the most recent video 'WHY PROF. RICHARD
reasons why Prof R Dawkins is wrong. In point number
eight I mention that whilst Dawkins denies chance plays
anything in his theories, reading his works shows that
he claims and imputes that everything came
by chance: the universe, gravity which holds order in
the universe, evolution came by chance, LIFE itself
came by chance, the energy behind evolution, consciousness
came by chance - even the order of an atom came by chance.
But NO say the experts, chance explains nothing. For
Dawkins to be taken seriously he has to rebut the issues
I raised in the video - and more! Watch
it now:
QUESTION: With so much evidence, why
is it some people refuse to believe in the afterlife?
Victor: First,
a slight correction: the afterlife now is NOT a matter
of 'belief' but a matter of evidentiary proof.
There is a great deal of evidence for any open minded
skeptic to fully understand that the afterlife exists.
But there are others who are not ready for the spiritual
knowledge. We are not seeking conversions, but we have
a mission to spread the light around the world to those
who are already seeking. Those who are ready will move
towards the light. Here is what has been transmitted
directly from the other side about this subject:
"You cannot convince people of spiritual
truth. They can only convince themselves. You cannot
convert people; they can only convert themselves. Spiritual
power must work its own will, and not until the soul
is receptive can the individual accept the truth. We
are not missionaries who desire to proselytize. We are
preachers of the true gospel, the good news about spiritual
realities. But only those who are ready to receive the
news will understand what we have to say. Those who
do not understand are not spiritually ready."
Many of the best mediums see spirit from
the time they are very young- something that can sometimes
be a challenge for them if their families are not supportive.
Here is a very evidential case investigated by parapsychologist
William Roll. Part
1 Part
is it like out of doors in the realm of the light? Directly
form the afterlife: "There are idyllic countrysides,
with beautiful trees, never showing a speck of disease
or imperfection. All the trees grow straight and perfect,
for there is no weather to bring hardship on them. Each
leaf is perfect and lives without the interruption of
the seasons. Much of the ground is covered with a lush
grass, and this soft luxurious covering provides the
walkways through the "urban" areas, around
the public buildings and private homes."
(Judy Laddon's, 'BEYOND THE VEIL')
gathering of eleven
top experts on the paranormal and on Mayan prophecy
to explore what's in store in 2012.
Stan Grof writes: " The purpose of this conference
is to explore a radically different, more optimistic
interpretation of the Mayan prophecy regarding 2012–
as referring to the end of the world as we have known
it: a world dominated by unbridled violence and insatiable
greed, egotistic hierarchy of values, corrupted institutions
and corporations, and irreconcilable conflicts between
organized religions. Instead of predicting a physical
destruction of the material world, the Mayan prophecy
might refer to death and rebirth and a mass inner transformation
of humanity."— January 22-24, 2010 Conference
January 22-28 Conference + Pilgrimage to Mayan sites Cancun
Conference Information:
LIFE REVIEW: Some people I come
across claim that there will be a life review when you
life flashes before your eyes in a few seconds. Others
say it is much longer than that. Any view on it?
What I came across is this: that people in the early
stages of a near death experience sometimes have a 'sequential'
life review which lasts only a few seconds. But the
important life review is the 'spiritual life review'
where what you did on earth will be compared with what
you planned to do. Information transmitted from credible
sources tell us that before we come to physical earth
we are given guidance by someone spiritually superior
to see what spiritual lessons to learn on physical earth.
Parents, country, status, gender and other things are
selected for the venture. I also came across information
which states that we learn spiritual lessons much faster
on earth than in the spirit world. This is because there
are many urgencies: the need for adequate shelter, daily
food, work and lots of stress and pressure. Now the
real life review shows exactly what we did with the
lessons that were planned. There will be successes -
perhaps there will be failures. But whatever happens,
the life review is very important spiritually and will
take how long it is necessary for us to fully understand
what happened in our life on earth. Read
more from Kevin William's research into Life Reviews.
"Every soul knows before it incarnates
into earth what it is that it
will undertake. It is a free choice made by the larger
self because it knows that its earthly journey is precisely
the one needed to fulfil and obtain the necessary qualifications
for the development of the larger self. You know the
life that you are going to live. The hardships are chosen
because to endure them, and to overcome them, will bring
into play those latent qualities of the self which require
development to add their quota to the real, the higher,
the true self."
Silver Birch.
there are 'aliens' existing in the universe, have you
ever come across information from the otherside about
whether they exist in the afterlife dimension as well?
Victor: We
have been informed by many very highly credible teachers
from the afterlife dimension that there other beings
who inhabit the universe. This is what comes from the
otherside- if there are beings, then the bodies of the
beings would be inhabited by a spirit. Why? The only
reason would be the same reason as we have a physical
body inhabited by a spirit-soul: to spiritually evolve,
to learn important lessons, to attain unconditional
love and unconditional forgiveness. But as we continue
to evolve and continue to advance spiritually, we may
have to inhabit the body of advanced beings to learn
more advanced spiritual lessons. Eventually we will
all lose human or non-human etheric bodies- and become
beings of light. But that may take eons of time to achieve.
We are informed that the Earth is one of the spiritually
backward planets in the universe.
NOT against anyone having their own religious beliefs
providing those beliefs do not harm others. I was born
into a Christian family in a strict Catholic environment
but now, whilst I respect those who want to believe
in religion, I expect those same people to respect the
way I operate: I do not rely on beliefs, or religious
rituals or blind faith or subjectivity because I know
with absolute certainty these are irrelevant to spiritual
growth. I am now and have been for many years an empiricist
– that is, I use Scientific Method to arrive at
conclusions because I can always test my acceptance
of evidence for its validity. As to ‘blind faith’
– those suicide bombers have huge amount of religious
'blind faith'. I accept that people have to go through
the beliefs and blind faith stage before they will be
in a position to accept repeatable and objective evidence
being totally superior to blind faith or personal beliefs
and to rise above their early childhood programmed learning.
Ramakrishna, (1836-86) did not found any cult, nor did
he show a new path to salvation. His message was his
God-consciousness. Seekers of God of all religions feel
irresistibly drawn to his life and teachings.
He taught: "Do not care for doctrines.
not care for dogmas or sects, churches or temples; they
count for little compared with the essence of existence
in each man/woman which is spirituality,
and the more this is developed in a man and woman, the
more powerful is man and woman for good.
Earn that first, acquire that, and criticize no one,
for all doctrines and creeds have some good in them.
Show by your lives that religion does not mean words,
or names, or sects, but that it means spiritual realization.
Only those can understand who have felt.
Only those who have attained to spirituality can communicate
it to others, can be great teachers of mankind.
They alone are the power of Light."
Read more about Sri Rama-Krishna.
This week we asked Kevin Lawrenson, the healing medium
at MontCabirol in France, to send spiritual healing
to one of our subscribers who was in great physical
distress and not able to get the small operation he
needed until the end of January. Kevin obliged and with
48 hours we were pleased to hear that G, the patient,
had experienced a "miraculous" recovery after
more than two years of poor health. If you would like
to receive spiritual healing send a photo and an outline
of your issues to tomkev3@aol.com. We can thoroughly
recommend Montcabirol as a place to have a wonderful
healing break staying on one of the estate's gorgeous
self contained cottages. For more information and advanced
bookings for 2010 email
Philosophy professor Dr. Robert Almeder
of Georgia State University discusses reincarnation
arguing that the data is so strong it is irrational
not to accept it.
QUESTION:I have been attending
Spiritualist services for six years and I come across
a number of mediums who have an American Native Indian
as guides. What's so special about these American Native
Victor: Information transmitted from the
other side tells us that the American Native Indians
are perhaps the most advanced psychically and spiritually
by world's standards. Perhaps this is because for centuries
they stayed very close to nature. You have cynics and
skeptics and racists who heap a lot of denigration onto
these highly psychic people. But solely on the basis
of comparative advantage, these American Native Indians
are doing a great deal of work in the afterlife these
days. They volunteer to be guides and protectors to
selected people. It's only when you get to the otherside
will you get to know the extent of their involvement
in world matters.
buy more "stuff" when most of us in the West
have too much?A number of overseas
aid agencies have programs where you can purchase an
item in the name of a friend or loved one and they will
be sent a card with a picture of the gift. Your donation
will be used where it is needed the most--to help people
living in poverty throughout the world.
Oxfam USA
One World
Create a voucher for a night's babysitting,
a foot massage, a breakfast in bed or anything else.
has templates and great ideas (click on Free Stuff).
you Victor and Wendy ..for all the work you do .....also,
for your books your shared with me. I have given them
to several terminally ill and grief stricken who individuals
who have benefited immensely from your work! Thank you
again! Rev. B..E.
Dear Victor, "I
want to thank you for the wealth of information and
research you have put on the internet for all to see.
Reading your book has given me great hope and has certainly
lessened my fear of death and made me consider that
our lives actually have meaning after all.... J.A."
You understated the case when you said re "Amazing
Grace" "Be prepared for tingles". Tears
came streaming down my face. But i've never minded having
tears flow. Alan. Victor: As a former professional musician
I am always deeply grateful for the power of music to
melt the heart.
Our favorite
Christmas carol..O
Holy Night sung by the beautiful Celtic Woman...more
spine tingles.
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage and we
publish many papers by afterlife researchers, we are
not in a position to guarantee what is published is
to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.