have to concede, the memorial service of Michael Jackson,
international star, singer, dancer, and entertainer,
was brilliantly and inspirationally executed. Some experts
have already stated that Michael Jackson's funeral was
the biggest, most impressive and most powerfully presented
in history. Not even Royalty could match it; not even
Princess Diana's funeral big as it was .Thousands of
fans in most cities around the world had their eyes
glued to the "service" - in Russia, the European
countries - and even in the Middle East. Michael Jackson
was highly talented and even surpassed Elvis Presley
in record sales. And at least three good things came
out of the memorial service. First,
what came across strongly was that it was a multiracial
event. Whether by chance or not Michael's skin color
going from black to white, his wives, his children,
his friends, his appeal to all races underscored the
breaking down of racial divisions. Secondly,
throughout the funeral his friends and family all explicitly
accepted the afterlife. Certainly, no one would get
the idea that his funeral was atheistic one. And, although
a number of Christian reverends turned up to pay tribute
to his work, it was a funeral without religion - something
that appears to be taking the world by storm - accepting
God and the afterlife without religion. Thirdly,
the service celebrated Michael Jackson's work for charities-
especially in Africa, ending with his song WE ARE THE
WORLD - regarded by many as perhaps the most inspirational
and spiritual of all his music which stunned the world
community with its huge international musical
So, goodbye
Michael Jackson - your music, your contribution and
your genius will always be remembered!
Smokey Robinson, a mentor to Michael Jackson in a tribute
to Michael Jackson at the Staples Center, Los Angeles.
All the Jackson Family and their friends acknowledged
the existence of the afterlife – a most brilliant
inspiration to all people around the world!
1970, Ingo Swann has worked with nearly forty cutting-edge
researchers in the fields of parapsychology, psychoenergetics,
and super sensitivity perception. He is
considered the father of remote viewing. Here at the
2006 International Remote Viewing Association Conference
he talks about Human Super Sensitivities and the Future:
Part 1
Ingo claims that science is changing and becoming like
the model found in Sanscrit 3,000 years ago.
Part 2
Victor applied to be a member of the Australian Conservation
Foundation where Cate is playing a vital role to help
protect planet Earth from environmental destruction.
Cate Blanchett stated:
“Dear Victor,
Thanks so much for taking part in Who On Earth
Cares and showing you care about climate change.
By taking part, you've joined many other Australians
who have also put themselves on the map. Save this email
and you'll always be able to login and update your profile.
You can find out more about solutions to climate change,
by visiting the Australian Conservation Foundation's
website at
Be sure to come back to
to see who else in Australia cares. You never know
who else you might find on the map! With kind regards, Cate Blanchett - and the team at the Australian
Conservation Foundation.
JACKSON OVERSHADOWED by Gifted and Troubled Spirits?
There has been much in the way of spirit communication
to suggest that talented artists in the spirit world
attempt to influence,
or overshadow, people here on the earth plane, especially
people who might have an aptitude for whatever gift
the particular spirit had when incarnate. “The
spirit world, rather than the physical world, is the
sphere of causes,” Dr. James M. Peebles, a California
physician, quotes one of many seemingly advanced spirit
communicators in an 1887 book. “Its baptismal
influences are continually being poured upon mortals.
All great orators are inspired; all poets are impressed;
the greatest artists often paint wiser than they are
known. Many of the best mediums on earth do not know
they are mediums. Many claim thoughts and ideas as their
own that were simply transmitted to their sensitive
Was Michael Jackson one of them? Click on
if you are interested in reading more about artistic
QUESTION:You said in the past that the Law of Cause and
Effect cannot be changed. A priest I know said he can
when he gives confession. Both of you can’t be
right. Whose right then?
Victor: This is a matter
of ‘authority’. My authority comes from
a number of highly credible afterlife sources –
where they passed
the test of time. These days there is no dispute about
this unless one is an orthodox Catholic. But the Law
of Cause and Effect has been around from time immemorial
and no parson, no priest, no Mullah, no Rabbi, no ‘holy’
man – just nobody on earth has the power to modify,
amend, change or interfere with the Law of Cause and
Effect: you will definitely reap what
you sow. This means that we - and it does not matter
who we are, we could be high ranking police or politician
or judges or people in power who are corrupt, renegade
spy chiefs and others - will inevitably have to experience
– what we negatively inflicted on to others. This
is not to be punished but for the soles purpose of learning
from our actions, deeds and omissions. The authority
of the priest comes from ancient writings where we know
to-day the religious writings have been changed over
the centuries. The alleged authority by the priest is
an interpolation – not authentic, not original.
"Each one of you is accompanied
by an illumined soul from the
world of the light, by a guide, by a companion or teacher,
and certainly by one who is the affinity of your spirit;
for where love is there is no separation. So, my children,
if your particular loved companion is in spirit life,
try to realize that the etheric bridge can be crossed,
for truly angels and your loved ones can come to you
once you have raised your consciousness to them."
Source "Wisdom from White Eagle"
p. 19.
In 1973 University of Chicago sociologist asked a sample
of 1,467 Americans if they had ever felt they had contact
with someone who had died. Twenty seven per cent answered
that they had (Greenley 1975). A similar survey in Iceland
(Haraldsson et al 1976) found that thirty-one per cent
said yes.
April edition of Readers Digest Australia (at p. 73)
has a fascinating story of an after death contact. This
is in itself something of a milestone for such a conservative
magazine. The writer, Stephen Wood, Nursery Owner, claims
that in October 1991 he was lying in hospital with fractured
vertebrae awaiting an operation. The morning before
the operation he woke to see a doctor in a white coat
who told him not to have the operation but to lay still
and let his spine heal naturally. The doctor, who had
been perfectly solid, then literally evaporated. When
he told the nurse about it she said to tell no-one but
to follow his advice. Later that day Stephen saw a portrait
of the doctor on the wall- it was Sir George Bedbrook,
a greatly admired and respected surgeon whose specialty
was spinal healing using non surgical methods. Sir George
had died earlier that year. Stephen followed his advice
and fifteen years later was still in perfect health.
a British physician found that of a sample of widows
in Wales, forty seven per cent had experiences—often
repeatedly over a number of years—that convinced
them that their dead spouses had been in contact with
them (Rees 1971: 37-41). An earlier British experiment
by Dr P. Marris (1958) had found a figure of fifty per
This study was repeated in Canada by
Dr Earl Dunn (1977: 121-122) who also found that fifty
per cent of widows and widowers had contact experiences.
Many of these people had thought that they were 'going
crazy' and had not previously told anyone of their experiences
as they expected to be ridiculed.
Daniel is an author, hospice worker and intuitive spiritual
counselor who teaches meditation, intuition development
and after-death communication as tools for navigating
the death, dying and grieving process.
Terri works with groups and individuals
to help them see the connection between a death -- either
unexpected or anticipated -- and the growth it provides
for friends and family members who are profoundly changed
by the experience. In this sense, any death, no matter
how tragic, has a purpose, and the ability to see that
purpose helps survivors feel less victimized and allows
the grief process to be embraced with love and acceptance.
Based on the understanding that we are more than just
these physical bodies and our souls have a specific
purpose that is fulfilled by our experiences on earth,
the bereaved find comfort in realizing that a loved
one's death was not senseless or without meaning. Read
HAWAII Whether
you're mourning the physical death of a loved one or
a loss of any kind, please consider joining us for a
week of transformational healing in one of Hawaii's
most beautiful retreat locations.
During this extraordinary retreat you'll
learn to transmute the pain of grief and separation
into new forms of love and awareness. Guided by Terri
Daniel and Dr. Anna Noe Bonas (a practitioner of Ho'oponopono,
a traditional Hawaiian form of emotional healing), you
will have the opportunity to move beyond pain while
honoring the transformative gifts of grief: Read
more... THE
an Authentic Practice in a Chaotic World- -
with Sally
Craig Hamilton writes...
" Traditional religious systems offered systems
for inducing depth
in practice: models for student-teacher relationships,
stage-maps for where you were on your path, protocols
for dissolving the tendrils of ego. At the same time,
a student in a traditional journey often found that
as she awakened to her own personal journey, the traditional
maps no longer applied. Integral spirituality must find
authentic ways to help students navigate the tricky
curves of their own awakenings. Join us as we explore
issues such as: How do we translate intellectual knowing
into actual all-bodies experience? How do we recognize
the difference between self-reliance and egoic arrogance?
How does one deal with the unexpected emotional and
psychic upheavals that come with purification? Sustaining
an authentic practice isn't just about what you do.
It's also about how you field the curve balls that come
at you in the course any spiritual journey--especially
ones where you're breaking new ground! "
JOIN the LIVE DISCUSSION between Craig and Sally Kempton
this Saturday Read
Kyle Lograsso was only two when he turned on the tv
and became fascinated with golf. Neither of his parents
played but by the time he was five he was playing better
than some adults despite losing an eye to cancer. Steve
Hartman spoke to Lograsso's proud parents.
working in courts I understood how and why the courts
put value on the testimony of credible witnesses. Far
from being "anecdotal" the testimony of a
reputable, reliable, first hand witness is never disregarded
by the courts and is frequently enough to determine
the outcome of a case. That is one reason I am so drawn
to testimonials by credible people who have witnessed
materializations. Read
ECTOPLASM VISIBLE IN RED LIGHT The Circle of the Silver Cord
website has some wonderful recent testimonials from
a series of seances with david Thompson held in Auckland
Zealand in March. Josh Kimberley describes seeing ectoplasm
in red light and receiving a materialized ring from
his sister in spirit...
" the red light was turned on to reveal David enveloped
in a stream of ectoplasmic material, flowing from his
mouth and ‘draping’ down to below his knees.
This was truly amazing, a miraculous sight before our
very eyes. The ectoplasm appeared translucent, almost
glowing. Three photos were obtained, the red light extinguished,
and shortly after William returned, I was singled out
and asked to approach the cabinet. William stated that
sometimes spirit wish to impress a point upon a particular
person, and in this instance my sister in spirit had
requested to be present to give me a gift. In the dark
I crept toward the cabinet and upon reaching it with
hands outstretched, the gift was presented. As William
explained, I felt ectoplasm brush my fingertips, soft
yet gauzy, and then the warm delicate hand of my sister
grasped my own hand and my little finger. " Read
part of the study that is being funded by
The Sarah Estep Research Fund, researchers at the Windbridge
Institute are currently seeking volunteers. (Sarah Estep
picture, left). Participants in this study will be asked
to visit a specific website and listen to a selection
of different sounds (audio files). Participants will
then be asked to complete an on-line survey with questions
about what they heard. We expect that the process will
take about an hour to complete. We will not be collecting
any identifying information from you, so your responses
will be anonymous. Read
is the video of Michael Jackson's ghost spotted
at Neverland Ranch shown on CNN just recently shows
the real Michael Jackson's ghost?
This is how I initially reacted to the
ghost story of Michael Jackson;
In the picture and the video footage from which it was
a shadow was seen moving across from left to right at
the far end of the hallway. Many viewers on ASSUMED
it was Michael Jackson without any evidence. There are
so many other things it could be. We have no idea of
the circumstances under which the video was taken, or
whether someone deliberately tampered with it. But what
I can tell you with absolute certainty is that on crossing
over, we remain as we were minutes before we crossed
over. Further, if there was a powerful mental/psychic
link with Neverland, Michael could be pulled back there.
Further still, we know from transmitted information
that if too many people grieve too much for someone
(like Michael Jackson) the people’s grief would
be pulling his entity down to physical earth –
down to his home and other familiar places. So theoretically,
it is possible that Michael Jackson would be walking
around his former home Neverland, but far more likely
he would be with his loved ones. Watch
the video yourself …. Most interesting FEEDBACK
Wendy and Victor,
God bless you my beautiful friends from Australia ...
I am shocked, broken - hearted and in disbelief what
is going on in places in Africa about the African Witch
Children... It is so sad.... I am so proud of the British
man helping the children!! What a true HERO !!!! Please
let us know how we can help - how we can donate. Now
that all of us know this, what are we going to do about
it ?? Germany calling - your friend Mike from Germany
Now more than ever before professional accredited and
registered afterlife researchers are struggling for
funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
THE MOST INSPIRED SONGS in MUSIC HISTORY:"We Are the World" a 1985 song written
by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, produced
and conducted by Quincy Jones and recorded by a supergroup
of 45 popular musicians- including Michael Jackson,
Lionel Ritchie, Diana Ross, Ray Charles, Willie Neslon,
Tina Turner, Kenny Rogers billed as USA for Africa (United
Support of Artists for Africa).[1] The charity single
was intended to raise funds to help famine-relief efforts
in Ethiopia, which had experienced unusual drought and
political instability in 1984/1985. Read the wonderful,
most memorable inspirational lyrics: read
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.