THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE! By public demand I am
dealing with this very important issue.
In his Easter message Cardinal Pell said that Jesus
was the only person in history to be resurrected from
death- "and it has never been repeated".
This means that he is still pushing the false belief
that when we die we stay in some kind of ‘limbo’
or ‘underground’ or wherever our ashes
are until ‘Jesus comes to judge the living and
This is putting people
on the wrong track, causing harm and suffering by
colossal negligence in not reading about the scientific
evidence for the afterlife. We are credibly informed
by afterlife teachers that millions of people suffer
pain - and are adversely affected because of what
they are NOT being told about the afterlife by the
Church. The overwhelming empirical
evidence is that when we die, we will IMMEDIATELY
be "resurrected" into our etheric spiritual
body. Science proves that. Experience proves that.
People have come back from the afterlife dimension
telling us that. See
Cardinal Pell does NOT have one shred of objective
evidence to support his personal religious beliefs
– which are all subject to fundamental error
to complete invalidation. He’s relying on scriptures
the original authentic versions of which NO LONGER
EXIST. Would any normal person in these days of empiricism,
accept what somebody wrote two thousand years ago
WITHOUT knowing who the writers were, WITHOUT knowing
anything about their character and WITHOUT EVIDENCE?
Wake up Cardinal Pell, you are living in the dark
ages! Guaranteed, one time in the future you will
pay the price for your fundamental negligence which
is causing much harm and suffering to thousands of
people. I suggest very strongly you read the book
by a former Catholic Mons. Hugh Benson directly from
the afterlife - FACTS (through Anthony Borgia, medium)-
telling why Catholic theology is all wrong! (see below).
- stating he was
wrong in teaching Catholic theology while alive: “Thus
they arrive in the spirit world, when their earthly
life is ended, with their minds clouded by ignorance
and befogged by erroneous (Catholic religious) beliefs.
We, in the spirit world, have to put this right. We
have to bring knowledge of the truth to souls befuddled
with earthly false religious teachings which have
woefully led them astray, not from the path of moral
rectitude, but along the path of sheer ignorance of
the conditions of life in the spirit world …
Speak to any of the such folk, and Orthodoxy would
blush with shame could it hear the remarks that are
made by these souls upon the way they have been misled.
…As it is, the errors of the Church have to
be set right in the spirit world after countless souls
have passed into it …” From FACTS
by Mons. Hugh Benson transmitted through medium
Anthony Borgia.
Over Easter Wendy and I attended another
brilliant materialization session
as guests of medium David Thompson and the Circle
of the Silver Cord. I repeat, there is absolutely
no objective evidence as powerful, as convincing and
persuasive for the existence of the afterlife as materialization
My younger sister Carmen, who crossed over more than
twelve months ago, materialized
and talked to me – private family matters which
no-one in the room knew about. She mentioned
something which even Wendy and I did not know about
which has since been confirmed.
Others materialized, including the brother of a medium
who was with us. He died only two weeks ago and they
too had an intimate family conversation – heard
by the other fourteen sitters who attended this very
important materialization session conducted by David
Thompson’s afterlife convener William. We
have now witnessed more than seventy five such reunions
of people attending with deceased loved ones. For
more information see the Circle
of the Silver Cord Homepage.
the Easter sitting with David Thompson (see above)
all the sitters expressed pleasant surprise at hearing
the voice of an entity claiming to be Edgar Cayce.
He had a specific and a particular relationship with
an invited guest, Roger who travelled all the way
from France for this special occassion. There was
intimate conversation between them– just like
two good friends who had not seen each other for many
years. “How is your son going, Roger”
asked Edgar Cayce. And, have you seen much of Phillip?”
Other specific names and details were exchanged. Since
Edgar Cayce died 64 years ago and Roger did not look
old enough to have known him as an adult we were all
mystified. Later we were told by Roger that some twenty
years ago he had been involved with a healing group
in France where a gifted medium named Phillip had
been able to actually embody Edgar Cayce who did healings
for the group. So they had become good friends - years
after Cayce had "died".
Cayce made over 14,000 journeys into the spirit realm
and was able to access virtually unlimited information
by visiting the so-called Hall of Records described
by a large number of near-death experiences. Cayce
revealed that his subconscious mind (which he identified
as the "soul") would leave his body and
explore the dimension where all subconscious minds
are connected - a dimension similar in description
to Carl Jung's Collective Unconsciousness. It is the
realm of thought, imagination, dreams, after-death,
and near-death states where all things are possible."Read
a dream within a dream": the illusory nature
of physical reality, creative consciousness &
the universal mind. Featuring Fred Alan Wolf, Nassim
Haramein, Amit Goswami, Jim Al Khalili, Greg Braden,
Bill Hicks & David Icke. (Thanks to Geraldine
Camilleri for this one).
OBJECTION OVER-RULED! 14. ”Belief in the afterlife is ridiculous
… it’s irrational and illogical.”
Typical materalists' objection.
Victor: Inevitably, this objection
will be over-ruled primarily because
it is making an assumption that the afterlife is a
‘belief.’ I ACCEPT the objective EVIDENCE
for the afterlife – and I have no place and
no 'luxury' for the subjectivity of beliefs. Those
who are informed know, understand and accept that
in any inconsistency between objective afterlife evidence
and subjective beliefs in nothingness, inevitably,
the objective evidence prevails – and will always
prevail over subjectivity. There are more than twenty
two areas of afterlife evidence which to-day no scientist
or materialist has ever rebutted even for the allurement
of one million dollars.
See book. What is irrational and illogical is
to come to any conclusion without evidence. Now the
materialists believe there is no afterlife. Materialists
do NOT have the substance of science to support their
beliefs. Guaranteed, once the intelligent skeptic
investigates, he/she will come to same conclusion
as I have come and as scientists have come –
that there is an afterlife and communication with
those in the afterlife is possible. Read more
objections ….
this will upset the Christian fundamentalists
and others who believe – without evidence –
that God created everything within six days. Read
this very carefully from a highly regarded afterlife
“Man, as he now is, was not created upon the
instant, as the Church teaches, in the image and the
likeness of his Creator. He was slowly and steadily
evolved from a lower order of creatures. The image
and likeness were to come later. The Paradise of Eden
is the best attempt at an explanation of the ‘creation’
of man that man himself could at that time evoke …
some explanation was bound to be given as to why this
earthly paradise was not still flourishing and so
there was invented the utterly nonsensical and completely
false doctrine of the Fall of Man, and that from this
fall the whole of mankind is for ever tainted with
‘original sin.’"
then, the Adam
and Eve myth never ever happened, and ‘God’
did not banish them from the Garden of Eden, the claim
that Jesus came to earth to save mankind has to be
absolutely wrong. Why? Because if there was no ‘Original
Sin’ then mankind was not condemned by God as
Christians tell us. The claim that we have to be baptized
to remove the original sin cannot be true. Incidentally,
the Adam and Eve myth did NOT originate with the Christians
as theologians try to tell the world. The Adam and
Eve myth came from much older religious beliefs from
the East.
The idea that Jesus was 'God' came from the Council
of Nicea in 325 AD, organized by Emperor Constantine
who himself
was a Pagan Sunworshipper at the time.
The initial vote on the motion
"that Jesus was God" in the Council was
lost. Then Eusebius, the leader of the Christian Trinitarians,
extensively lobbied Emperor Constantine. All those
Christian ‘Unitarians’ who did not believe
that Jesus was ‘God' were banished. Of course,
with the opposition abolished, the motion was passed.
For that reason alone, Christians believe that Jesus
is the only Son of God. There is no Bibilical authority
for it: "The Father is greater than I" in
the Bible was changed to "The Father and I are
one" by theologians. Other enlightened Christians
now accept that Jesus was a wonderful teacher and
a healer. There are highly credible afterlife
teachers who tell us that we humans all 'have the
spark of the Divine in us - one reason why we live
eternally.' Inevitably, Jesus too has the spark of
the Divine in him - and in this context perhaps we
can say that Jesus is 'God'.
THE PARANORMAL. The French Academy
appointed a committee
to investigate reports of what is now called clairvoyance
– correct perception of objects or events not
accessible to one’s sense organs at the time
of apprehension. Much to the surprise of many Academy
members, the committee reported that clairvoyance
had in fact been satisfactorily demonstrated. (from
and THE SKEPTICS – Scientific Argument for the
Existence of ESP by Chris Carter)
When Dr. Richard Hodgson was hired to take over the
American Society for Psychical Research in 1887, he
was a hard-core skeptic, if not a pseudo-skeptic.
He was certain that he
would expose Leonora Piper of Boston as a charlatan.
"I had but one object, to discover fraud and
trickery…of unmasking her," Hodgson later
wrote. "Today, I am prepared to say that I believe
in the possibility of receiving messages from what
is called the world of spirits. I entered the house
profoundly materialistic, not believing in the continuance
of life after death; today I say I believe. The truth
has been given to me in such a way as to remove from
me the possibility of a doubt." At his first
sitting with Mrs. Piper, Hodgson received some very
evidential information and his attitude about her
and mediumship, in general, began to change. If you
are interested in reading about this first sitting,
click on
What if it's possible to actually prove
that the mystics and saints were correct when they
said that we actually are ONE? And what if it could
be done in a fun, exciting way that touches millions
of people who would not normally be attracted to such
ideas? Watch
This interesting question comes up from time to time.
The questioner Peter, who appeared to be terrified,
asked is he going to be ‘punished’ for
following orders from his superiors that hurt others?
The answer is that if Peter had knowledge that the
orders given to him were morally wrong and his inner
voice said to him that what he was doing was wrong
then Peter cannot have a defence claiming, “I
was just following orders.” Similarly, if an
executioner knows and feels he is doing wrong by killing
another person, then the executioner will one day
have to pay the price for killing another human being.
Usually the more spiritually evolved will know that
hurting or killing others is very wrong and will usually
refrain from doing such unspiritual deeds. As to being
‘punished’, no one punishes you, Peter.
We punish ourselves by way of reducing our vibrations
by the negative things we do on earth – simply
called the Law of Cause and Effect.
Victor, in the past you said that ‘nothing comes
by chance here on planet Earth’. Wasn't it just
a freak of nature that 293
people were killed in the Italian earthquakes?
Victor: My research tells me that
those who are regarded as highly credible from the
afterlife say that there are ‘no chances’
on earth regarding our deaths. Everything, it is stated,
is regulated by the Law of Cause and Effect. Everything
is regulated by what we did in the past. This of course
also includes the deaths of the hundreds who were
killed in the Australian fires recently – and
others who were killed in aeroplane and car crashes.
Remember, I am quoting those from the afterlife –
they say ‘you will understand these things when
you cross over to our side.’
group souls family groups?
Something to think about: “If the questioner
uses the word ‘family’ in
its literal sense, as you understand it, being confined
to people who have blood ties or relationships due
to marriage, then this does not apply to group souls.
Earthly ties, which are purely material, do not necessarily
continue when the body has served its purpose. In
spiritual relationships, you have in the supreme case
affinities or in the lesser instances kinship. Physical
relationships are conditions not based on eternal
principles, the only ones that will endure. Group
souls, when referring to their human aspects are composed
of individuals who have a spiritual kinship. Automatically
they are drawn to one another because they are facets
of the same diamond. It can be, and it does happen,
that for purposes of work to be done fragments of
the diamond incarnate into your world to have the
kind of experience which will help the larger self.”
1) First, Silver Birch from the afterlife: I have
studied the works of
Silver Birch for 20 years – some 12 books as
others have done and his writings are regarded as
very highly credible coming from an afterlife witness.
I find his writings to be highly inspired, highly
spiritual, of great personal benefit. They have critical
information to maximize life on planet Earth. He transmitted
very important information for some forty years through
his medium Maurice Barbanell. Silver Birch is respected
by millions around the world - one who brought a revolution
of afterlife information and much of what he stated
has now been empirically confirmed. There are of course
other wonderful afterlife teachers, but I find Silver
Birch very easy to read and understand. I highly recommend
you to read all of his books - you'll have all the
information you need to cross over with a lot of peace
and tranquility.
the afterlife: was a former
Catholic priest-Monsignor in England who crossed over
around 1910 and was determined to transmit information
from the afterlife through medium Anthony Borgia because
he said he felt shame that he had preached false dogmas
and many errors to his parishioners. On reading Mons.
Hugh Benson's transmissions one feels there is a ring
of truth in what he is saying about the colossal errors
of the Church- for which he is now paying a price.
You be the judge - read some of his brilliant writings.
is another brilliant afterlife research
who had and is having huge impact in the world to-day.
He wrote several books which are of great value to
us: The Curse of Ignorance Vol 1 & 2.,
The Rock of Truth,Looking Back, On the
Edge of the Etheric, Where Two Worlds Meet. For
the beginner, I suggest The Rock of Truth
and On the Edge of the Etheric first.
Presented by the Forever
Family Foundation this unique online radio show
is dedicated to
the exploration of Life After Death:
Pacific time: every Thursday 5pm-6pm
Easter time: every Thursday 8pm-9pm
London time: Every Friday 1am
Sydney time: Every Friday 10am.
To listen tonight or any week check
details here.
you'd like to share your own afterlife or paranormal
experiences or ask some questions you'll find a wonderful
safe community on our facebook page established and
co-ordinated by the highly talented Caroline Sloneem
Bennett of London. What really impresses us about
the group is that people are really sensitive and
caring with each other as well as very knowledgeable.
To join the group create a free account at
and then go to Spiritual?
Skeptic? Evidence for Existence of the Afterlife.
At the moment there are several really interesting
topics including OBE/astral travel and sleep paralysis,
regression, the soul and dementia and a wonderful
sharing of NDEs started by Lee Corner. Read
ONGOD Abraham, as translated by
Esther Hicks, gives their perspective regarding the
nature of God. Abraham is an aspect of "Non-Physical
Source Energy" who refer to themselves in the
plural and communicate blocks of thought to Esther,
which she then interprets with her own words through
a process which some have called channeling - although
Esther and her husband Jerry do not use this word.
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BEQUESTS: Now more than ever before
professional accredited and registered afterlife researchers
are struggling for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far,
we can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit
In the future we will include other registered organizations
which are doing afterlife research. Please email for
internet has been buzzing this week with a surprise
story of hope and unexpected triumph-
the magnificent presentation by Susan Boyle of Glasgow
on Britain's Got Talent Episode 1. A 47 year old unemployed
female, not terribly attractive, "never been
kissed", not a celebrity personality, not known
to anyone, she had a dream to sing professionally.
Well, she did it and afterwards said she felt "bloody
fantastic". She stunned thousands of people in
the theatre and more than twelve million people who
have since viewed versions on Youtube! There is much
emotion, powerful voice and sweetness to the wonderful
song I DREAMED A DREAM from Les Miserables - read
the highly inspirational lyrics first and
… enjoy!!! Watch
Susan here.
I Dreamed A
Dream ….
There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong I dreamed a dream in times
gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung
No wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we'll live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
I had a dream my life would be
So much different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed
The dream I dreamed.
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed
claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done
by the researchers is done in good faith.