
A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife

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September 14th 2012


Sincere apologies if I have not replied to your email.

REPORT in 50 languages including - French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese and Hungarian - and many others. Be very patient with the grammar of these automatic translations.

COMMENTARY: WHAT IS ‘EVIDENCE’ WHICH AMOUNTS TO ‘PROOF’? Evidence is a fact or situation that suggests something might be true. Proof is a fact or situation that removes all doubt . What is acceptable ‘proof’ will depend on the standards of the individual and what the issue is. The paranormal evidence I presented in my book on the afterlife is objective and repeatable – amounting to technical ‘proof’.

If studied with an open mind the evidence on mediumship alone will remove all doubts about survival of bodily death.
This was the experience of some of the greatest minds in science who spent thirty years investigating one of the most spectacular and outstanding mental mediums who ever lived- the American Mrs. Leonore Piper from Boston.

Together they brought hundreds of sitters to her under false names, they hired detectives to follow her and intercepted her mail. No one, not even the most hardcore closed-minded skeptic, after investigating her mediumship for a period of almost thirty years ever suggested fraud. Sir William Barret who did study the evidence concluded " It is hardly possible to convey to the inexperienced an adequate idea of the strength and cumulative force of the evidence.”

Clearly objective evidence amnounting to proof for the afterlife does exist , it just takes time and effort to examine it.


" We are working according to a plan. We are not evangelists conducting mass meetings and capturing people in the heat of emotionalism. We labour to ensure that individuals become convinced, one at a time, that they are satisfied with the evidence they have received that they will continue after physical death, and they are also satisfied that what we have to teach neither insults their intelligence nor makes their reason revolt. We must win you by evidence, by reason, by intelligence, by affection and by co-operation.” S.Birch - More Philosophy.


DR BARRY TAFF DISCUSSES HIS SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION OF POLTERGEIST PHENOMENA Dr. Barry Taff, who holds a doctorate in psychophysiology with a minor in biomedical engineering, is a world-renowned parapsychologist who worked out of UCLA’s former parapsychology laboratory from 1969 through 1978 as a research associate. During his 43-year career, Dr. Taff has investigated more than 4,500 cases of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists and conducted extensive studies in telepathy and precognition, which led to the development of the initial protocols and methodologies for what was later termed “remote viewing.” He was also himself investigated as a psychic subject in 1969, the results of which were published in Behavioral Neuropsychiatry, “A Laboratory Investigation of Telepathy: The Study of A Psychic,” Vol. 6, Nos. 1-12, April-December 1974-January-March, 1975.

Read more about Barry's investigation of this case.

WHAT WOULD BE THE IDEAL BEST EVIDENCE OF THE AFTERLIFE? Author and historian or mediumship MIchael Tymn was asked this question in an interview last year. His answer:

"To quote Professor C. J. Ducasse (pictured, left), 'The prima facie most impressive evidence there could be of the survival of a deceased friend or relative would be to see and touch his materialized, recognizable bodily form, which then speaks in his or her characteristic manner.' If my deceased parents or brother were to materialize in my presence and talk to me about personal matters known only to us, that would be the best possible evidence for me.

While the great majority of materializations have been incomplete, defective or partial, there have been a few mediums who were strong enough to produce full materialized spirits who could stand and talk to the sitters. Joseph Jonson, Minnie Harrison and Alec Harris are mediums that immediately come to mind. Dr. John King, president of the Canadian Society for Psychical Research, had his wife materialize through Jonson’s mediumship. She spoke to him for several minutes about very personal matters, before disappearing into the floor. Roy Dixon-Smith, a British army officer, tells of a sitting with in which his deceased wife, Betty, materialized, spoke with him, kissed him, and then disappeared. There were many such manifestations with Alec Harris."

Second best would be the direct voice, in which the voice resembles that of the deceased person while also relating veridical material. The most convincing reports of the direct voice were by Admiral W. Usborne Moore with medium Etta Wriedt. His books, Glimpses of Eternity and The Voices, are available on the Internet and I highly recommend them." Read the full interview on Subversive Thinking.

DR ANABELA CARDOSO's PRESENTATION ABOUT ITC AND SURVIVAL This is a recording of a talk given by Anabela Cardoso on November 5th 2011 at a special Study Day celebrating the life of Professor David Fontana & his contribution to psychical research and transpersonal psychology. The event was organised by the Society for Psychical Research (http://www.spr.ac.uk/) in collaboration with the Transpersonal Section of the British Psychological Society (http://transpersonalpsychology.org.uk).


WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE? Directly from the afterlife: "How many times have I seen folk awakening here in these beautiful realms of light undergoing the most enjoyable surprise of their lives to find themselves where they are, and not in some dark deep dungeon of hell! Too good to be true, they think, because they never professed to be anything when they were on earth. Just so. But during their lives, they have not forgotten their neighbor. Neither has the law forgotten to act whereby they have registered upon themselves the good that they have done before they came here to dwell. Such, my dear friends, is the material of which service is made, and by which progression is gained." (Mons. Hugh Benson transmitting information from the afterlife dimension through his medium Anthony Borgia - see HEAVEN AND EARTH)




WARNING: 'FRAUDS' POSING AS 'PSYCHICS' - 'MEDIUMS' AND 'HEALERS'. Over the last twenty two years of investigating the afterlife I continue to receive complaints that a few phony 'psychics', 'mediums' and 'healers' are ripping off the public. The very latest complaint I received is that a supposedly 'medium-healer' from Sydney - who went to clear a "negative energy" from a house because of evidence a 'caught spirit-energy' occupied the house and a person in the house. I was informed that she stayed in the house for a relatively short time and walked out saying 'I've cleared the negative entity' - which was not true- and demanded a huge fee. One can see why the skeptics thrive on what appears to be fraudulent conduct. Anyone who commits wilful fraud is committing a crime. Keep away from fraudulent criminals calling themselves 'psychics', 'mediums' and 'healers'. . DO NOT GO TO A MEDIUM OR PSYCHIC UNLESS you get a referral that the medium is genuine and accurate.


ANOTHER EXCEPTIONALLY BRILLIANT SENSING MURDER! Again on Sunday night at 10.50pm (Sydney GEM 209) cable television showed another most brilliant episode of Sensing Murder (picture left shows the three regular highly gifted mediums Sue Nicholson, Deb Webber and Kelvin Cruickshank). Some of the 40 hits by each the gifted mediums on separate days included: the name, age, gender, race, personality and character of the victim - where the body was found, HOW she died, WHERE she was found and WHO murdered the victim. This cold case was some 36 years old where the police had no idea how or why this 13 year old schoolgirl was brutally murdered. Read more...

Sensing Murder New Zealand is mediumship at its best - if given the right funding the results of these mediums could be verified mediums scientifically. We would also include a 'control group' - that is, three closed minded skeptics to see how the inofrmation they pick up from a photograph of a crime victim compares with that obtained by professionally highly gifted brilliant forensic mediums. I have never ever received any academically accepted criticism of Sensing Murder. The criticism has come from the uninformed, low level skeptics who use dirty language because the level of the mediumship is above their heads. Sensing Murder is not to be missed - it is highly professional and this is where science will be investigating when the funding arrives - and where fundamental changes are likely to be made on a global regarding the afterlife because of these exceptionally brilliant mediums.


QUESTION: 'PROXY SITTINGS.' Someone I know says that 'mental mediumship' is all about the medium reading the minds of those with her- those with her in the group. Can that be right?

'Proxy sitting’ refers to a situation where a person attends the mental mediumship session on behalf of somebody else - where the message from the medium is not for those with her at the time. – but the message is for friends of those sitting with her. The medium would be giving messages to those people she has never met. How can that be mind reading? One afterlife investigator, the Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas was involved in many proxy sittings meetings - see details: in my chapter in the book about PROXY SITTINGS – see chapter 17


DO YOU BELONG TO A CULT ? Reports reached us here that some cults threaten people with afterlife damnation if they do not obey what the cult leaders tell them. If you decide to join a group, you should have the freedom to come and go as you please. But history taught us that there are some gullible people who are donating money they cannot afford to the cult leader. They borrow money on their property, they borrow from banks and other places. No, any truly spiritual group would not try to extract money from you. If you are being pressured to donate money, either directly or indirectly, get out of the group-cult straight away. There are thoses I came across where pressure was put on them to leave their property - by way of a Will - to the 'cult' or 'religious-spiritul' group. Do not fall for the big promises made to you. The spritual laws about the afterlife are very simple and can be observed without joing a cult or a group where pressure is put on to you to fleece you out of your assets and cash. Read more about how to recognise cults.



In her book To Hear the Angels Sing, Dorothy Maclean, one of the creators of the Findhorn Community, writes about communicating with angels: " I had never set out to learn to talk with angels, nor had I ever imagined that such contact could be possible or useful. Yet, when this communication began to occur, it did so in a way that I could not dispute. Concrete proof developed in the Findhorn garden, which became the basis for the development of the Findhorn Community. The garden was planted on sand in conditions that offered scant hospitality and encouragement for the growth of anything other than hardy Scottish bushes and grasses requiring little moisture or nourishment. However, through my telepathic contact with the angelic Beings who overlight and direct plant growth, specific instructions and spiritual assistance were given. " Read more...

EARTHBOUND SPIRITS: QUESTION: Victor, I came across afterlife material where it vaguely talks about earthbound spirits. What are they? Abe, Kings Cross (Australia).

Victor: Earthbound spirits are those spirits who on crossing over for one reason or another did not make it to the 'level of the light.' Some spirits are deeply attached to something on earth - like their homes or elsewhere where they felt secure. Or they could be POWERFULLY attached to another person on physical earth; or they could be very powerfully addicted to drugs or alcohol or to something else. This 'extra-powerful attachment' I called 'cathexis' - which accounts for all powerful habits and vices on earth as well. There are others who do not accept the afterlife and their stubbornness will remain and will persist when they die. But the ones who usually remain in the lower darker realm are those whose vibrations are (level of spirituality) much lower than others. These earthbound spirits are usually the ones who get themselves and others on earth into mischief - by misleading them - through channeling or the ouija board or the pendulums when those on earth try to communicate with them. That is one reason why sharp discrimination is critical when communication with the afterlife energies.


Based totally on the teachings of Master Ryuho Okawa this seminar by Steve Bellingham talks about the different relams in the Spirit world. It features a cartoon presentation which explores various levels in the Spirit World. Intersting...

BOOK OFFER: THANKS TO CHICK LOWSON - again, he sent more funding to pay for international postage of free copies of my book - but only for those who cannot really afford to buy it. If you are in financial hardship and would love a copy of A LAWYER PRESENTS THE CASE FOR THE AFTERLIFE send me an email with your full name and correspondence address to vz@victorzammit.com. Last time Chick Lowson sent funds the book went to many people in India, Malaysia, Canada, England, the USA, Singapore and Australia.

Robb Tilley claims to have had decades of experience "clearing" homes and helping people in psychic distress. He is speaking next Sunday September 16th at the NSW Dowsers Society Community Hall 44 Gladesville Road Hunters Hill 2pm to 5pm. Read more...


FEEDBACK:Only 3 chosen:

1. Hello Victor.. I wanted to send a "thank you" for sending me a copy of your book. It's fantastic to see that there are caring and generous people such as you (and Chic Lowson) in this world! I admire what you are doing and I read your newsletter every Friday. It has helped me tremendously since the passing of my boyfriend not long ago. Thank you again and God bless you. Sincerely, Brigitte

2. Dear Victor, Once again, thank you so much for your wonderful site. You are helping many, many people, and I feel that this is obviously your 'mission'
this time around. What a truly unique and caring person you are.... Carol.

3. My very dearest Friend Victor, It has been a long time, but you still are always on my mind. Your words touch the heart of many people, including mine :-) I feel an unconditional love for you and although we never met before, it feels like I know you for hundred years already. All those research must be hard for you and I hope you take some rest now and then. Being popular is 'a tiring work' :-) Dear Victor, to have you as a Friend is an honour and makes me happy. 'Kate.'

See Victor on Video

Subscribe to Victor's Youtube Channel:
( Now over 400,000 views)

* Ghosts- Randi and closed minded skeptics when they die
* James Randi's Challenge Exposed ... Lawyer Explains
* God--the Evidence (Without Religion)
* Afterlife Without Religion

* What Happens When you Die
Afterlife and Science
* Near Death Experiences- Evidence of the Afterlife?
* Victor Zammit speaking at Speakers Corner
* Skeptics Demolished

* Afterlife Objections Demolished
* Why Professor Richard Dawkins is Wrong
* What You Must Know Before You Die
* David Thompson's Materialization
* Million Dollar Challenge
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
* Suicide is not the answer
* Religion and the Afterlife


Here is highly inspired music - written and sung by wonderful Country and Western singer Dolly Parton. Dolly Parton has visual magic - she also has an irresistably alluring musical voice and feeling for highly melodious songs and emotional lyrics. Here she is to sing for you the very beautiful spine tingling sensational song, "I Will Always Love you."


Lyrics for ......' I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU'

If I should stay
Well I would only be in your way
And so I'll go, and yet I know That I'll think of you each step of my way And I will always love you
I will always love you Bittersweet memories That's all I have and all I'm taking with me
Good-bye, oh please don't cry
Cause we both know that I'm not what you need But I will always love you
I will always love you And I hope life will treat you kind
And I hope that you have all
That you ever dreamed of
Oh I do wish you joy and I wish you happiness
But above all of this, I wish you love
I love you, I will always love you
I, I will always, always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you

Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the researchers is done in good faith.
