Sincere apologies if I have not
replied to your email. I have been inundated with
very urgent work these last two weeks.
REPORT in 50 languages including
- French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch,
Portuguese and Hungarian - and
many others. Be very patient with the grammar
of these automatic translations.
materialist scientists are spending over SIXTEEN
THOUSAND MILLION dollars ($16.5 BILLION) in Europe
on the CERN
Hadron Collider Project to try to test the
predictions of different theories of particle
physics. But even if they are successful their
results will not change the way human beings behave.
They will not reduce crime, will not radically
change the thinking or vision of the world leaders.
The results will not morally, spiritually or physically
benefit people. What a waste!
Yet for fraction
of a fraction of that huge amount- for say THREE
MILLION DOLLARS ($3million)- afterlife scientists
would have the capacity, the skills to permanently
revolutionize mankind's thinking by scientifically
investigating physical and materialization mediumship
- the repeatedly tested most sensational objective
and repeatable evidence on planet earth to-day.
Guaranteed these
scientists will come to the conclusion I came
to: that afterlife intelligences
(spirits) can materialize and have a full physical
body. They can touch us, talk to us - as if they
were talking to close friend, embrace loved ones.
They can tell us a great deal about what is happening
in the afterlife dimension. There has been repeated
scientific examination of materializations.
instead of spending the huge
amount - $16.5 BILLION on something that will
be of questionable practical benefit, the world
scientists must get together to independently
investigate the current most sensational evidence
for the afterlife.
The sensational objective and repeatable evidence
for the afterlife could ultimately, give the people
of the world the critical WISIDOM and KNOWLEDGE
that life continues and that we are accountable
for what we do on planet Earth.
says that during his medical training he was "brainwashed"
into believing that "when you're dead you're
dead". However he was convinced about the
existence of the afterlife by his experience of
seeing a soul leave the body and many other personal
observations. He has since studied psychic phenomena,
mediumship and healing. His latest book (in French)
is called "Seven
good reason to believe in the afterlife."
He is a well
known afterlife campaigner in France having spoken
at many conferences, written several
books and appeared in numerous tv
and radio programs. He has made several documentaries
DVDs. In the video below we have an English
voiceover of an interview.
What he argues:
* An altered state of consciousness is possible
when the brain stops functioning.
* It is possible to establish true telepathic
communication with a comatose person who is not
only able to receive but also to transmit thoughts.
* The spirit has been physically sensed leaving
the body by many carers at the time of death.
* A person in a coma is like an entity free from
an earthly body and connected to it by a cord.
* A life is possible in another dimension when
physical death occurs and that the silver cord
is cut.
Some of our newer subscribers may not be familiar
with the work of
George W Meek, a brilliant scientist, engineer
and inventor who retired from his career as an
inventor, designer and manufacturer of devices
for air conditioning and for the treatment of
waste water at the age of 60 and devoted the next
twenty five years of his life to self-funded full-time
research into life after death. Here ITC researcher
Mark Macy
gives an introduction to George Meek's work.
has a number of copies of three of GEORGE MEEK'S
wonderful ground breaking books which sum up the
findings of his unparallel twenty five years of
research. If you want to save yourself many years
of traveling, seeking and reading I highly recommend
that you obtain a copy of AFTER
YOUR OWN FUNERAL. If you are interested in
spiritual healing you might enjoy George's report
of 10 years research by 14 World Famous Investigators
Recommend these classic books to your local librarians.
small group of EVP researchers in the UK has been
getting EVP contact in morse code via recorder
not radio. Recently they received in morse code
on tape the message:
Kathleen is one of the researchers
in the group. This message is fantastic for her
as the figure 69 is the secret code she has been
waiting for from her dead son.
Eric Cole, the leader of the group writes: "Can
you also ask EVP researchers to ask for morse
code when they are recording please? They can
send their recording to me and I will decode the
morse. Currently we seem to be the only group
in the world getting clear consistent morse code.
Up to 14 words at a time. It would be great to
find another gifted person who can get EVP Morse."
audio is from the talk "Survival of Consciousness,
with Dean Radin and Julie Beischel."The talk
is from IONS "2009 Conference: Toward a Global
Shift." You can listen to or download the
whole talk (1 hour and 16 mins)
as three
mp3 files here:
in part to the support of our subscibers Sandra
Champlain is now in second place in the contest
"Next greatest speaker". Her talk is
about how she discovered mediumship and then,
through the help of Tom and Lisa Butler, learned
how to record electronic voice phenomena. She
has since discovered some vitally important facts
about grief and is passionate about sharing the
message that there is no death. The voting ends
in 3 days and this is a great chance to spread
the message of Life After Death simply by voting
for Sandra's speech. Watch
her video and vote here.
For those scientists and investigators, it is
very important to keep in mind what one of the
greatest afterlife investigators said in relation
to results of experiments:
"... When you have eliminated the impossible
whatever remains however improbable must be the
truth ..."
QUESTION: What is the
afterlife view of euthanasia?
Victor: Yesterday's
UK high court decision against euthanasia
raises this question again. There does not appear
to be a unanimous authority from the afterlife
about this topic. It seems that the matter is
left entirely up to the individual.The two extreme
views are - first, those who say theoretically
you have to allow the natural way for the spirit
to come out of the dead physical body when the
soul is ready to move to the afterlife. Others
say that if death is absolutely inevitable and
there is a great deal of pain, if the prolonging
the agony is to be avoided, then euthanasia is
permissible. But again, I myself just cannot take
sides. I can see both sides of the argument. This
one is something I have not been able to resolve
- yet.
QUESTION:Do we meet our friends in the afterlife?
Can we also meet some of the great people we had
on earth like Shakespeare, Einstein, Elvis and
other celebrities?
Victor: If your friends are on
the same spiritual level as you are, then you
will meet your friends, family members and others.
The critical thing is that they have to be on
the same vibrational level as you are. If they
to go to a lower vibration, usually you could
lower your vibrations for a relatively short time
to meet up with them. But if they are on a higher
level, they have to come down to you. This goes
for everyone - if any 'great' person we had on
earth and celebrities are on the same vibrational
level as you would be, then by consent you could
see - even perhaps
meet them. But celebrities - be they Elvis, Johnny
Cash, Einstein - and others - in
the afterlife do not get the high status treatment
they get on earth. Some of them will just go into
obscurity. Others more spiritual, do have a choice
to make a contribution in the afterlife - if they
are singers, painters, writers - they continue
to refine their art. But keep in mind, in the
realm of the light, there is nothing vulgar or
obscene or in bad taste in a 'public presentation'.
All is done with dignity and decorum.
it possible to accurately visualize the future
in one's dreams? According to two of the world's
foremost authors, the answer is a decided YES!
America's writing genius Mark Twain and his younger
brother Henry were both laboring aboard the steamboat
Pennsylvania which sailed the Mississippi between
New Orleans and St. Louis. On one dark night in
the late 1880s, at his sister's home in St. Louis,
Twain awoke in terror from-a-frightful, realistic
nightmare. He had dreamed that Henry had died,
and that his brother's corpse was lying in an
open metal coffin. On his chest was an elaborate
bouquet of white flowers marked by a single red
rose in the center. Twain, in his early 20s at
the time, could not fall back asleep for several
hours. Instead, he lay awake dwelling on his dream's
deadly implications. Read
"I have a question for you Victor: I know
a couple of people - who are not really bad people
but who are deeply in nasty habits with drugs.
If they accidentally overdose and die, what's
going to happen to them - will they still feel
the powerful urge to take drugs?" Evie, N.Y.
Victor: The specific answer to
that question that the urges do not disappear.
Highly credible information from the afterlife
tells us that on crossing over, nothing in character
and memory changes. Our physical body, once dead,
usually is burnt like an old coat, but the spirit
goes into the afterlife dimension. The powerful
urges a person had when on earth linger on for
a time- whether they are drugs, smoking, alcohol,
over indulgence in sex - or any other powerful
habit. Those with very strong
habits, who were of reasonably good character
on crossing over can get valuable help from doctors
nurses and counsellors from the afterlife dimension.
But there could be other addicts with lower vibrations
who became slaves to their vices who go to the
darker Astral realm, which is not a nice place
at all. But we must not forget what was transmitted
from the other side - that ultimately, all spirits
have the spark of the divine and sooner or later
(even if it takes a very long time) they too will
make it to the realm of the light.
worth repeating: "There
are no mistakes, only lessons.'
psychic-medium Phil Jordan (pictured, left) was
critical to solve the missing person mystery of
8 year old Jessica Urso in Ithaca, New York. Phil
Jordon informed police that the missing girl is
strongly connected with the marina 'water'. She
also had a trauma (injury) on her head. Without
being told anything, Phil Jordan - using psychometry,
picked up the vibrations from Jessica's pink purse
and was able to go to places where the missing
girl was seen the day she disappeared. Phil Jordan
said there is a 'cross' in the vicinity where
she may be and the number '17' was important.
Very soon afterwards Jessica was found floating
in water, near pier '17'. What the gifted psychic-medium
said was all confirmed to be correct. Captain
Mark Dresser (Ret.) Tompkin Country Sheriff stated,
"Phil Jordan is a tool for police to utilize.
He made a believer out of me." Officer
Thomas L Yetzen of Ithica Police Dept. said, "The
quicker you get to Phil (psychic Phil Jordan)
to the case the quicker the case is solved."
You say in your book Victor that
the ouija board could be dangerous. Why would
that be?
Victor: Amateurs
must avoid using the ouija board simply because
would NOT know what type of spirits they are contacting.
There have been, and there are, serious problems
for a number of people who use the ouija board
but find themselves unable to completely cut ties
with the lower spirits they contact. One big problem
for those using the ouija board, except for the
professionals who have with them strong spirits
to guide them, is that experts keep telling us
that those who respond are usually lower level
spirits who are mischievous - they create trouble
with the family members and outside the family
members. Read
full chapter on the ouija board
H. Howard: Spirit Communion
The evidence, religion, philosophy and science
of Spiritualism
Great articles, and provides useful links to other
resources and sites.
Victor, does free-will exist in the afterlife?
Teresa, Italy.
Victor: This
is another popular question Terese.Highly credible information
transmitted from the afterlife tells us yes,
there is free-will in the afterlife. We are informed
that free will is very important for soul growth.
We continue to spiritually refine and every time
we make the right moral and spiritual decision
on physical earth or in the afterlife dimension
we spiritually grow.
Without free-will it is not likely
there could be spiritual growth and refinement.
But free-will is relative to the stage of spiritual
stage we have reached. The more spiritually advanced
the less free will in practice. This is because
those who are spiritually advanced would know
whether an act is spiritually right or wrong.
GREED BREEDS MEAN DEEDS A new report says that
at least 21 trillion dollars, is being held untaxed
around the world, in what are known as offshore
accounts, or tax havens. Imagine what could be
done in the world if these megarich really believed
that they would be accountable for the way they
used their wealth.
- why you must be a long term planner:
22 years
of afterlife research and dealing with the closed
minded skeptics showed me that one very good reason
why closed minded skeptics are what they are,
is because they reject that one day they have
to account for what they did during their life
on Earth. Many people into corruptive practices
DENY they will have to account for their abuse
of power, for their cruelty, their selfishness
and lies that get others into big trouble. They
deny that on crossing over they will have to PAY
THE PRICE for doing horrible things to others.
On the other hand, those who accept the afterlife
know that accountability is inevitable and unavoidable.
These people are usually
long term planners who have the good sense to
plan for afterlife conditions and have full confidence
knowing what is going to happen on crossing over.
response I received so far - mostly NOT worth
going to Brazil to see John of God - to only one
postive response. Could anyone who went to see
John of God email me and let me know about their
experience: 1) were you cured?
2) were you positively or negatively
affected by the visit in some way? 3)
was the trip to Brazil worth it? Please email
me with your response .....
...More about this later on.
QUESTION:What is 'prayer' and is 'does prayer work? Victor:
Recitation of prayer is virtually meaningless. For prayer
to be effective
it has to come from the 'heart'. Prayer is the transferring
of positive energy vibrations from yourself on to a higher
being usually for some benefit for oneself or another. When
prayer comes from the heart it usually reaches its target.
But not all prayers are 'answered'. This has to do with
karmic laws concerning your life or other peoples' lives.
But prayers cannot raise our vibrations of the soul. Good
works, selfless service raise the vibrations, the spirituality
of our etheric spirit soul. We have to earn the raising
of our vibrations in our etheric spirit soul.
MEDIUMS MEETING: James Van Praagh(U.S.),
Tony Stockwell(U.K.) (pictured, left José Gosschalk
(HOLLAND), James Holland and, Marilyn WHALL, (pictured,
left) (AUSTRALIAN): "I wanted
to let you all know about a special 5-day event in spiritual
mediumship with five of the most respected mediums from
around the world — James Van Praagh, Tony Stockwell,
José Gosschalk, James Holland and myself, Marilyn.
Each day, you'll be guided by one of these mediums as they
lead you through a variety of meditations and exercises
to expand your awareness, unleash your spiritual gifts,
and prepare you to connect with the spiritual dimensions.
You'll experience each medium’s distinct approach
to healing and learn their techniques for channeling spirits.
You'll get to explore various methods and styles of “mental
mediumship,” including clairvoyance, clairsentience,
and clairaudience, as well as “physical mediumship,”
which includes trance, transfiguration, and materialization.
Throughout the week, you will:
* Receive evidential details in communication:
* Discover how to recognize and link with your spiritual
guides, family members, and helpers
* Understand the differences between
a “psychic” reading and a “mediumship”
* Learn the proper ways to share messages with individuals
and large groups: FURTHER DETAILS FOR REGISTRATION September
30th to 4th October VENUE: RHINEBECK 150 Lake Drive Rhinebeck,
DIRECTLY FROM THE AFTERLIFE - about the 'opposition'
and the
'critics' - and those who attack afterlife investigators:
: "Do
not worry about the opposition or the foolish ones. Be sorry
for them and for their missed chances. They are hurting
themselves and the causes they serve. But with patience
you will find they are taken out of the way." (from
MORE PHILOSOPHY from Silver Birch)
FEEDBACK: (3 only
selected) 1. Hi Mr.and Mrs. Zammit
just want to thank you for sending the book. I am really
lost for words because your weekly news letter has opened
my eyes and increased my spirituality. I must thank my dear
friend Doles Pierre who has read your book and gave it wonderful
reviews. I know it takes money to keep a website up and
running yet you never ask for a dime. Marc, Florida.
2.Hello Victor: Your
article about the wealthy Russian seeking immortality by
technological means (last Friday's Report) may be closely
connected to the John Gray book, "The
Immortality Commission." While there are a few
pronouncements in the book I don't agree with, the author
highlights a little- known undercurrent of thought present
at the time of the founding of the Bolshevik state. That
is, that the country's resources should be dedicated to
a technological solution to the old problem of human mortality.
This intent was the original reason for the preservation
of Lenin's body. Far more productive to develop our minds
(than cryogenic preservation of our heads)... to read your
website! It is a challenge to come up with anything you
don't already know, but I wanted to mention this in passing,
in case it is of interest. Many thanks
as always. Best regards, Ed
3.Hello Victor: I really
enjoy your weekly newsletters.Gabriella, Canada.
Hereis something really beautiful, the melodious music,
the wonderful rhythm, the alluring lyrics, the harmony of
the duet - all give us something very special. The clear
message is obvious: whatever happens, ultimately, love is
the answer. So, here read the lyrics - if you know them,
just close your eyes and enjoy this tremendous music:
Name your price
A ticket to paradise
I can't stay here any more
And I've looked high and low
I've been from shore, to shore, to shore
If there's a short cut I'd have found it
But there is no easy way around it
Light of the world, shine on
Love is the answer
Shine on us all
Set us free
Love is the answer
Who knows why
Someday we all must die
We're all homeless boys and girls
And we are never heard
It's such a lonely, lonely, lonely world
People turn their heads
And walk on by
Tell me is it worth just another try
Light of the world, shine on
Love is the answer
Shine on us all
Set us free
Love is the answer
Tell me, are we alive
Or just a dying planet
(What are the chances)
Ask the man in your heart
For the answer
And when you feel afraid
(Love one another)
When you've lost your way
(Love one another)
And when you're all alone
(Love one another)
And when you're far from home
(Love one another)
And when you're down and out
(Love one another)
And when your hopes run out
(Love one another)
And when you need a friend
(Love one another)
And when you're near the end
(We've got to love)
(We've got to love one another)
Light of the world, shine on
Love is the answer
Shine on us all
Set us free
Love is the answer Light of the world,
shine on me
Love is the answer
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers
and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position
to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed
claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by
the researchers is done in good faith.